Honor Flight


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Jul 22, 2008
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Beaverton Oregon USA
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I had the pleasure of going on an Honor Flight to Washington DC with my 87 year old WWII veteran father last weekend. What a super awesome time. If there is any people whose father or mother was in WWII I highly recommend doing this. There are chapters in all 50 states. I had never been to the east coast let alone DC. Quite the experience. I have attached a few pictures. I took almost 850 total. We got to go to the capitol building, WWII Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, Arlington National Cemetary and the tomb of the unknown soldier, Air Force Memorial, Navy Memorial, Vietnam and Korean War Memorials, Womens War Memorial, The Guam Memorial. Probably forgot some but what an experience. The one that effected me the most was the Lincoln Memorial. We got all the veterans to line up in front of the memorial for pictures and they broke out singing God Bless America. The whole crowd of tourists sung along. Quiite the tear jerker for me. There are pictures of my dad and me but also him at the WWII Memorial and some of the group of 48 verterans one of which is 102 years old. Some information is the Arlington National Cemertary will be full by 2018. They burry 27 veterans per day there. Our WWII Veterans are the reason we don't speak german or japenese and have our freedoms like we do. THANKS to all our veterans this Memorial Weekend.
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Wonderful story and photos. Thanks so much for sharing, especially this weekend!
Looks like you had a great time! I am the daughter and granddaughter of Veterans, and have worked with many former and active duty military over the years. These men and women are amazing in so many ways.

My gratitude and appreciation goes out to all who have served to protect and defend our beautiful country. :blowkiss:
My father, long since deceased, was a Brit WWII veteran......and spent some time incarcerated in a Czechoslovakian POW camp!

Respect to all that generation.....though sadly, very few remain now!
Did you have folks greating you when you arrived to memorials? Last year I volunteered for a program that greeted and cheered when buses arrived at the WWII memorial. It was great and we could tell it meant so much to the veterans. The honor flight program is awesome.
There was lots of people greeting us. It was quite moving for me. At the airport there was a bunch of DC kids and a Scottish bagpipe band to greet us. At the capitol two Oregon Senators greeted us with a bunch of locals. Just in our hotel people was always saying thanks to my dad and shaking his hand. Some people wanted pictures with him. Pretty cool. At Arlington a couple of groups of kids on tour with there school class greeted us and took pictures and shook hands with the vets. :cheer:
I had the pleasure of going on an Honor Flight to Washington DC with my 87 year old WWII veteran father last weekend.
Your Dad looks in great shape for his 87 years.

My grandfather was in the Welsh guards tank regiment in WWII. We owe so much to that generation of teenagers and young men.

Danny Perry aged 19
Awesome stuff and thanks for sharing. I too was a guardian for my 89 yr old father last summer. He was in the south Pacific and involved in many skirmishes. I could relate somewhat being in the Navy during Vietnam, but these men and women are the real heros! It was an experience that neither of us will ever forget. Everyone involved was totally over the top, considerate, helpful, etc. Going through the airport when we landed in Balitmore was the greatest. Tons of active military folks made a path and clapped and cheered as we went through. Not a dry eye from any of us guardians! Then, we had a motorcycle escort from the airport to the mall. There were 150,00 girl scouts on the mall that day as well celebrating their anniversary and it made it even more special with the way they treated and thanked our heros. We arrived back in Columbus that evening to a real hero's welcoming with TV coverage, families cheering and of course, a fine gentleman playing Amazing Grace on the bagpipes. I was so proud to have the experience.

Please consider supporting Honor Flight in the future. It is one of the most rewarding charities I've found.
Wow that's quite the welcome. No police escort for us. Nice picture of your dad Nelly. It's great I can still golf with my dad as he goes 3-4 time a week. His brother was 95 and still bowling so think I got some good genes in my bones. I was really empressed with the Arlington National Cemetary/Tomb of the unknown soldier and the WWII memorials. Both were awesome. I kind of liked Virginia. Very beautiful kind of like Oregon but no mountains. I would love to tour the east coast as there is so much history there. Not compared to Europe but for 300 years or so pretty good.:D