Hey all you all you South Aussie FZ6 riders, who's interested in getting together for a ride?

When your all ready let me know if stumbles comes or not its no biggy, he will just make too much noise anyway. I hate you.
yeppers if theres going to be a ride on Sunday i should be able to make it. need to be home before 5:30 though, got a prior engagement:)
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yeppers if theres going to be a ride on Sunday i should be able to make it. need to be home before 5:30 though, got a prior engagement:)

Awesome. we should be done by about 3.30 i reckon, that's if the weather is good to go.

will ring everyone on sunday morning at about 9.30am to confirm whether we are riding or not, re weather, etc.

I have Julian's (AussieJules) and Dave's (Stumbles06) phone number already, but can Apollo and Ozfazer please pm me your phone numbers, that would make life way easier Sunday Morning.

By the way boys....Breakfast / Brunch menu is - Scrambled eggs, Bacon, Grilled tomato's, Hash Browns, Toast, Coffee, and Juice.

Now all we have to wait for is to see whether the weather is going to play ball.

Hey Apollo,were you on Flagstaff Rd about 3:30 pm today (friday) ?
I was on my way home from Yam world and a black FZ6N went past me going the other way near Blacks rd roundabout,was that you ?
Well i just had a look at the satellite map of the weather that is on it's way...there is a big kick- arse cloud front on it's way...as others have already said, it does not look promising...is raining at Blackwood now.

Check out the map!
Hmm, rain until Thursday by the look of it, then fine but cloudy for the weekend.

Sounds like next weekend could be the go, and I've got that Sunday night off, so I'm good to go for a cruise then.

Well Stumbles and Ozfazer...you guys did well by staying home, we did get rained on, and the roads were pretty much damp for what is normally the best bits of the ride....but hey we still had fun, got to meet Apollo, and check out his bike and Julian (Aussiejules) made a recording of my de-baffled exhaust, so at last it can be heard by those who are interested.

Am guessing Jules will post photo's etc, once he defrosts, and gets on here.
Hey all took video and photos and like usual my luck turned to crap. Got to jamies and camera went flat with only a couple of shots, then got home and charged batteries again took shots and video and camera **** itself on ride and everything is blurry. but here's what i got, i hope i can download cause i cannt shrink it. The first lot of photos are of wolfs can modification.
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Good stuff guys. Can't wait for the warmer months, and go for some great runs without freezing or getting drenched.

I'll keep an eye on the weather, but I'm good for a ride next Sunday... gotta love days off from work.

Hey Jamie, is it my eyes, or is there now a bit of discolouration on the exhaust shrouds now that it's got a heap of miles after the de-baffle.

No your eyes do not deceive you, it is fuel, bike must be running a little bit rich...it wipes off easily enough, but it is there...at first i thought it was from heat, but i touch it straight after a ride, and it is not warm, plus the discoloured area is sticky to touch.