HELP! WTB/FREEBIE 06 Windshield!!!


Junior Member
May 21, 2009
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Stamford, CT.
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Hey guys/gals, so i was riding all day yesterday from 2pm - midnight.
So much fun. I was riding around with about 15 people. It is such a spectacular thing to see when there are that many riders together. In about two weeks or so, i think we're doubling that amount of riders.

I Was really irritated that since i painted the windshield. My custom camera mount wouldn't work cus it needs the visibility of the windshield to be clear.

I beg any one.. If they have no use for their Stock 06 windshield to either part ways with it as a freebie... I will be recording as many videos as possible and would love to show all the forum members ..

If no freebie, please let me know asking price and we can go from there.

thank you and i hope this reaches everyone as i would like to start making a weekly or every other week video blog. Of rides, riders, routes, and stunts...

Dude you realize no one is going to just give you a windshield right?

Dude! You have to have faith....Or hope???? Wait a minute...Didn't you see,"Pay it Forward"?

Someone may have one they don't need or want to sell and they just haven't seen this post yet.

you have not because you ask not. my mom always said it never hurts to ask. worst thing they can say is no and then you're just where you started. besides, a few people have put them up for free here before. even if you don't find one... they're $45.00 from ron ayers (before shipping) so it's not a high dollar item if you have to buy a new one. good luck. i too would love to find someone who wants to give one away so i can cut one down. that way if i don't like it (or i screw up) i still have the stock shield. so i'm pulling for ya.