Helmet weight on Mirror?


Junior Member
Apr 2, 2009
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Seems a lot of you store your helmet over one of your mirrors when stopped. Maybe a stupid question, but have you noticed any damage to the mirror/base doing this over time? Does it put your mirror out of adjustment?
Seems a lot of you store your helmet over one of your mirrors when stopped. Maybe a stupid question, but have you noticed any damage to the mirror/base doing this over time? Does it put your mirror out of adjustment?

Ehh it won't harm the mirror or base, sometimes it goes a little out of adjustment but it takes 1.72347 seconds to readjust. :D
I hung my helmet on the mirror once and yes it did put it out of adjustment a significant amount. Like the total noob that I am I didn't remember to check until I was merging into traffic. Holy crap that was scary. Never again for me
Done it forever & a day without any ill effects , if your careful putting it on or taking it off you will never knock the mirror out of adjustment :thumbup:.. Also if you look carefully at it the bars & grips are actually supporting the helmet , the mirror just stops it from rolling off :D
Won't do any damage but have seen more than one helmet get bumped by somebody passing by and it falling to the ground. I don't do it for that reason.