Heated Glove Liner or Grips?


Junior Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Las Vegas
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I would figure the heated glove liner = better since you can get your whole hand warm without gripping and it keeps you warm when you want to rest a hand off the throttle or clutch for a bit.

Any recommendations either way? It's getting pretty cold out here.
I have heated gloves but have not used them yet...soon tho! My friend put heated grips on his cruiser, bare handed they seemed to get pretty hot.
I have both heated gloves and heated grips on several bikes. Here is my take.

Heated gloves are very nice but you must keep in mind that they are designed to keep your hands from getting cold, NOT for making your hands warm. If they get too warm then your hands will sweat and this makes them even colder.

Heated grips are always with you so you are not SOL if you forget your gloves. I have ridden many times that I did not take the heated gloves as it was a beautiful day out. In the course of the ride things cooled down and just turning on the heated grips was needed. Also if you have some type of hand guards on the bike to keep the wind off they work even better.

A combination of the two also works very good for the really cold days.

So gloves do not keep your hands warm, they keep them from getting cold. Grips do put out a nice warm feeling when you need it.

I hope this helps your decision somewhat.

Don't forget to get your heated jacket to go along with your gloves if you decide to go that route. Becareful on using them, I tend to turn my unit off when I'm in stop n go traffic or at a stop light. I only run them when I'm consistently running above 5-6000 rpms just to make sure I don't drain my battery and my heat troller is on low. Gets too scorching at medium anyways.
I think I have an awesome set-up for the cold. Yesterday, I rode about 70 miles, at highway speeds, in 29F temps. I was very comfortable. Here is my set-up.

1. Heated jacket
2. Heated grips, MSR hand muffs and hand warmers ($.95 per pair) in a pocket in the backside of my glove liner. I think these are hunting liners.
3. Yamaha touring shield.
4. I also put hand warmers on top of my toes; inside my boots.

Here is a thumbnail picture of the set-up for my hands.
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