Hard spot on stock seat


Junior Member
Feb 18, 2012
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Long Island
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So when I bought my bike the seat had a hard spot where someone's butt would sit. It is slippery and uncomfortable compared to the rest of the seat. I've attached a picture below. Has anyone else had this happen to their stock seat? It makes it easier to slide side to side in the twisties but also causes me to slide forward into the tank without enough friction to sit further back in the saddle.

I might just get another stock seat in better condition. Would probably be more comfortable too.
A simple yet effective idea i used to have on back of my seat for pillions so they didnt slide down n cause me to perform the nutcracker suite on the tank :eek:

Black Bar Mat / Shelf Liner Plastic Mesh

This worked well ... think it was more rubbery than plastic so it was very flexible and folded in under the seat so never moved mine was like this

Another inexpensive way to go: Spencer Seat mod

I have no personal experience, but have read many reviews on various forums and at least one in a magazine.. all positive.
So I got another stock seat from a forum member. All I can say is WOW, I can't believe I was essentially sitting on a slippery brick for the past year. The stock seat in it's normal condition is pretty comfy! Now I can slide back in the seat a little and not get my goods crushed up against the tank.
Got any plans for the old one? I've been thinking about trying my hand at making some fiberglass seat cowls, and having an old worthless seat nobody wants to sit on would be perfect for a mold!