Had a nightmare...


plain evil
Feb 23, 2009
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...last night where I had a steering head bearing failure..I was turning the handlebars to the right and it was making this loud click noise from the balls. When I turned the bars even more it made loud cracking noises like someone replaced my balls with real nuts. I dream a lot about riding. I lean into curves like crazy with occasional low-sides. It is weird because I feel like it is pretty much real practice for me without consequences. I have very lucid dreams and I remember thinking during my dream, how Keith Code talks about letting the bike go if you do a smooth low-side in order to slow down faster, I remember thinking that in my dream and deciding i should let go and stuff.

maybe im not riding enough. :confused:

you have this sorta thing?
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Check your knees and elbows when you wake up. I trust you sleep alone or not close to someone to hurt them with all that leaning ;-)))
LOL Mike!!!! that's hilarious...

Come ride with us tomorrow and I'll tell you what I think is going on with you....

I wake up after dreaming I'm riding with my wife beating me because I was reving my loud exhaust! LOL! :rof: