
Funky Larma

Aug 16, 2007
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I know this is totally off topic and not FZ6 related but as you (the bike and the forum) are taking up so much of my time you get to hear me vent my steam!

On the 24th September a fellow cyclist and I were setting out from John O'Groates (Thats the top right point of the UK) and planning on cycling down to Lands End (yep you guessed it the bottom left pointy bit)
I've been training on and off all year and after a ride at the week end where we organised the speeds, pace and travel arrangements my colleague's company have pulled the plug and forced us to cancel!

It was to be a charity ride for his company; part of a 'give back week' but some CEO some where likened it to him taking time off to play golf and so cancelled all leave.
To say I'm gutted is an understatement.

Any way thanks for listening, it felt good to let that out ;)
It figures that the CEO would wait until the ride is organized and set up to decide to cancel.:banghead: Why couldn't he/she have made that decision before all your work was put in. I guess that shows how important it was to the CEO! If it had been a golf tournament it probably wouldn't have been canceled!:mad:
Why don't you name and shame the twat of a CEO in the local news? The publicity may force a change of tact. Its still a bummer though.