Guess that's what I get for showing off....


Redneck MacGyver
Jun 12, 2011
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Well it was christmas eve and were all at my g-mas house about to leave and one of my cousins comes up to me and says "I bet you can't get that thing up in a wheel stand" me " I'll do you one better, I ride one wheel till it redlines" I should have known better but me and my cousin have a long standing 1+ thing going so I fired it it up and let it warm up for a couple mind pulled out of her driveway onto her other 2 3/4 mile long drive way rode passed her house a bit , u turn held it at 30mph and powered it up, but I guess I got into it way to hard for that first "up" but I rode it till it bounced off the limiter just like I said, so I felt good until I got home and saw a text from him saying "nice lol but look at what's left of your fender"
LMAO! :rockon: Maybe you should set your shock up a notch or two. :D
I had my plate mounted the same way on my R1 and that constantly happened (bent license plate). I never could figure out what was causing it.

+1 for being able to wheelie your FZ6. I can only get my front wheel up slightly going from 1st to 2nd.

Btw, your exhaust looks like two old school machine guns pointed at me.
Man, judging form the title of the thread I thought it was going to be much worse! Glad it was only small things and not a dropped bike, and congrates on the one up :thumbup:
you need to move the plate way back to the end of the mufflers or this will happen all the time , it happened to me i had to buy a new plate , and i destroyed my hugger too buy a FE kit :thumbup: