Greece - The land of Squids

A crisis they started in the first place. Do you believe that this whole thing was a coincidence? Don't be naive and look behind the curtains...

Greeks, myself included are very hard working people, with 10+ hours days, 21 vacation days per year, and about 10 official holidays. Don't be fooled by the media...
Heh not really the point i was trying to make. I'm not saying Greeks don't work hard, i know all about 70 hour weeks, I'm just saying "perfect" doesn't exactly describe a bankrupt country. I'd elaborate further but i'll keep politics out of motorcycle forums :thumbup:
Concerning wearing gear...

Here is the example how Russian girls do it:


...Oh, herro... :D

I am Greek and I live in Athens.
There are some things to take into consideration. For example the climate. It tends
to get really really hot here. The temperatures can go easily over 40c in the shadow. You can't wear a motorcycle jacket, nor boots with these temperatures. Usually I ride with my full face helmet on and summer gloves.
Also, it depends on your destination, distance and road conditions.
For example:
If I am driving just a few km down the road to get a drink, I might wear just my jet-type helmet.
If I am going with my buddies for long trip, on a highway or twisties, I usually wear my full gear, helmet, boots, jacket, gloves.

If your hotel was in Ios, you might have even seen me once or twice, driving my bike in flip-flops and no clothes from the waist up, but only for a few km at very low speeds, like a bicycle, from the hotel to the beach for example.
It doesn't mean that Greece is infested with squids!

I'm not trying to be rude by any means, but heat and distance are no excuse not to wear gear. It regulary gets up to 118-120f or 48-49c here in Arizona, but there is plenty of ventilated gear that allows airflow. I wear a full face helmet, mesh jacket, perforated gloves, long pants and close toed shoes every time I ride, even when I'm just riding the mile and a half to school. Why? Because I wrecked my first FZ6 3 blocks from my house due to oil on the road/tire, and if I didn't have my gear on I wouldn't have a face. There's no golden rule stating nothing will happen to you if you're only riding under X number of miles and X speed. More motorcycle accidents happen close to home on short trips, and the average speed before the accidents is less than 30mph.

It's just kind of ironic that people with the same outlook on gear turn into the biggest advocators for it once skin grafts are involved. I think it's safe to speak for everyone and say we're not trying to judge just for the sake of acting superior, but are genuinely concerned. None of us want to see another rider hurt or killed for something as simple as wearing gear.

Not trying to lecture :spank:, just wanted to share. Ride safe, man.
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I have just come back from a holiday in Greece (The land of squids). It's insane. Where we were, probably 90% of traffic is motorcycles or scooters. They all go flat out and they all wear at most shorts, t-shirts and flip flops. One girl was wearing nothing but a bikini and bare feet, and get this, she was on a Hayabusa.
I saw 1 guy wearing a helmet, just 1!!!!! But get this, the straps were undone and it was an open face type. Amazing.

Even after 2 weeks of listening to hundreds of loud exhausts screaming past our hotel, I could not get used to the sight of a skin graft victim in the making.

Are we on this forum all a bit too safety orientated? Maybe, but I don't care. I like my skin and my head. Your chances of serious injury is massive even with the gear. I want all the help I can get.

Also went to Greece on holiday this year, the lovely island Zakynthos, and indeed I too was amazed by the no gear driving style. But then again, you will see lots of tourists who had rented a scooter and clearly they were not wearing decent gear and they end up with lots of bandages and rashes...

I would love to rent a motorcycle over there, but due to not having decent gear I skipped that, still the twisties were fun to do with a cage also. Would have even way more fun on 2 wheels :)

Already planning for next holiday, me on the fz6 and the girlfriend following with the cage. Will be a very long trip to get to the destination including some ferries trips. Still worth the effort of getting there.


Too bad a huge wild fire put lots of the island in ashes.

It was 106 F last Sunday around the Austin area (real temp, higher than official). I was wearing my gear and my Harley riding partner commented on how he just doesn't know how people like me can do it. Full helmet, jacket, pants and boots. There was about 2% of my skin exposed (neck) the whole day. Yes it was hot and I did sweat but we took a few breaks to hydrate and cool off. I value my body more than looking cool or taking the chance that nothing will happen. Just isn't worth the risk.