Go the mighty dragons

Not bad.

A smidgeon though is generally used for distances of no more than a hand span, while a poofteenth can still be quite a large distance, eg. from here to Strathalbyn is about 60km (depending on the route) but this is only a poofteenth of the way to Cairns in Far North Queensland 3000 odd km.

But Poofteenth is is also good for small distances.

A Bees willy is also usually only used for small hands span distances. A bees willy and smidgeon are therefore sort of interchangeable.

Oodna woop Woop is usually only applied to out of the way places like.....well.....Oodna...lol...and is referring to rather a large distance.

We won't keep you back after school, but you might want to go in to further study:thumbup:.

LOL I did qualify my smidgen in a later post, I knew that part was wrong. I was just GROWING my lil dood up into something I could explain lol
Back on topic for a minute good to see the South Sydney Rabbiohs rack up a tough win in NZ today against the in form Warriors :cheer:......Puts the little Green & Reds on top of the ladder and all league afns know when the Bunnies are doing well , footy is doing well :D
I've got a soft spot for a few teams in the NSW League. Rabbitohs, are among them. :thumbup:

Enough of that on topic stuff...lol...Back to moving the little dude a smidgeon:D.

If you move your little dude too far, it can cause your explanations to go off.

This can make a mess of later explanations, so I tried to steer you back on track...lol...You're doing well in a concept that has no real defined boundaries. Just a familiarity from general usage.:cheer:.