Garmin Zumo 550 - HELP ME PLS!


The tall one
Jul 9, 2009
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Ok guys so I just got my Zumo 550 and even managed to install it on my VFR (which was a pain).

I just installed the software and now I'm trying to unlock the maps online. The instructions say:

"When your device is detected, enter the serial number found on your GPS device and the 8-digit product key found on the back of the disc's case."

but there's no darn 8-digit product key on the back of the disc's case. There's only a 10 digit serial number which gives an error when used.

So to those of you who have the device and have been able to unlock the city navigator maps: please tell me where the heck did you get your product key from????

I have a device serial number, a registration code and a unlock code (all written down on that little yellow piece of paper that came in the box), I also have a serial number written on the back of the DVD cover but the damned product key is simply nowhere to be found.

I will be eternally grateful for any help!!!!

Yours frustrated,

Thanks for the info man. Weird, the DVD that came in my box has a nice glossy paper cover but it only has a serial number on it :rant:
Like this one?


You're right the one I pictured first was my 2008 maps upgrade. The original City Navigator doesn't have a product code. I have mine running on 3 PCs with no problems. Sorry I can't be of more help.
Yeah that same one. Ok I've gotta say that's a little annoying - I'm either not doing something right or Garmin are missing something here.

Thanks for the info anyway :iconbeer:
I know it sounds stupid, but are you following the instructions on the back of the package? IIRC mine wend in straight away.
You might want to call Garmin or try the zumo forum (where all of the zumo geeks hang out): Login

there is a lot of great info there and a fix for just about any zumo problem.

good luck
Thanks for the advice guys!

If anyone gets stuck with the same dumb issue, here's the solution:

"I too had this problem, no product key and codes on Garmin site did not work. I asked on the VSRI Forum and Preload found this post on BM owners club somewhere.

Googled it and came up with a UK Beemer owner had the same issue. Here is what "they" said.

If, like me, you've come this close to throwing the fecking thing out the window because there's no unlock code supplied with the unit (unlike previous Garmins), and can't use MapSource with your shiny new toy....'s how I sussed it.

1. Register the 660 online with Garmin. That will generate a 25 character unlock code (which isn't written down anywhere) and a 7 character registration key.

2. Make a note for the 25 character key.

3. Install the map DVD that came with the 660.

4. In MapSource, select Utilities / Manage Map Products.

5. Instead of choosing the obvious option and unlocking online, DON'T! Select the Unlock Regions tab, and click Add.

6. Enter the 25 character key you made a note of just now, and Bob's yer Uncle, Fanny's yer Aunt. MapSource will now recognise.

I did exactly this and can confirm it did work. I then simply dowloaded the 2010 maps and used the supplied unlock code to unlock this.

My opinion, way too complicated made worse by products and unlock keys not being supplied. Come on Garmin!!

Hope this helps


Also: I'm now downloading the new 2010 free maps update and they did come with a product key ...
Pleased to see you got it up and running :thumbup:

I found this "how to" on very handy to learn the basics of mapsource (which although it's a good program with lots of features it's not at all intuitive).
enjoy your zumo, I know I have enjoyed mine on many an occasion :thumbup: