FZ6:1 dodge charger:0

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Hate to break it to ya slick, but that Charger could have eaten you alive if he wanted to.

I looked it up, and your're right! Not a Chrysler fan, but those Chargers are no slouches(in a straight line anyways:rolleyes:). 0-60, with a good launch, the FZ would win. After that, not so much. lol Looks like the R/T's are good for 140MPH +, pretty easily. I'm sure the SRT8 would rocket past those numbers. But for the money, much better can be had, for cars anyways. If I want a rocket though, I'll just get an R1 or some other liter bike. :D
I looked it up, and your're right! Not a Chrysler fan, but those Chargers are no slouches(in a straight line anyways:rolleyes:). 0-60, with a good launch, the FZ would win. After that, not so much. lol Looks like the R/T's are good for 140MPH +, pretty easily. I'm sure the SRT8 would rocket past those numbers. But for the money, much better can be had, for cars anyways. If I want a rocket though, I'll just get an R1 or some other liter bike. :D

more than likely it was only the V-6.....and it was rolling at 85 to 120 something. Would say even if they had the r/t or the srt8 they would have to hit it at the same time. Guy in charger would have had to have it matted same moment fz6 got it. Otherwise it would have been fz6 till about 135 or so....
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^Right there! I usually just weave back and forth as if I'm warming up my tires or something(plus it's fun), and 90% of the time, the tailgater backs way off. Heck, even moving around on the bike scares most people off.

Keep in mind, there are bullies out there that just tailgate everyone in front of them. I see it once in a while on the freeway portion of my commute, where I move over, and the tailgater just races off and immediately starts tail humping the next vehicle, despite there being multiple openings for them to just race off into the distance. I'll then observe them just go from car to car, tailgating every single one. Oddly, once they're alone, they slow way down! :spank:

I've found that some people pace their speed based on the car in front of them (rather than with the speedo), if there is a car 1/4 a mile up the road they must not be going fast enough, resulting in ass riding...had a friend who did it until i pointed it out to him.... scary when people are paying that little attention to driving, it's only a matter of time until the inevitable happens...
I've found that some people pace their speed based on the car in front of them (rather than with the speedo), if there is a car 1/4 a mile up the road they must not be going fast enough, resulting in ass riding...had a friend who did it until i pointed it out to him.... scary when people are paying that little attention to driving, it's only a matter of time until the inevitable happens...

Well put but I'd say it's 60 % of the drivers out west and 95% of the mid west drivers fall into this trap.
Yeah... my favorite is when I am in the car and I get ready to pass a slow lane car and decide that I will first let the guy in the fast lane behind me go by first since he is moving at a good clip. Then he gets beside me and decides thats where he is going to start going the same speed as me.:banghead:

This seems to happen an amazing amount of time to me?
Yeah... my favorite is when I am in the car and I get ready to pass a slow lane car and decide that I will first let the guy in the fast lane behind me go by first since he is moving at a good clip. Then he gets beside me and decides thats where he is going to start going the same speed as me.:banghead:

This seems to happen an amazing amount of time to me?

My favorite thing happened to me just yesterday.... was coming home late from a 24/7 grocery store ( in my sporty little standard cavalier :thumbup: ), ended up behind a guy going 20 in a 25.... so i kept a good distance behind them, got to a stop sign, they blinkered right, got halfway thru the intersection, decided they wanted to go straight, violently turned left to miss the curb... so i happen to be going straight as well, they end up going 35 in a 40 and i did as before as held back, we get to where it changes to 55 and they're still going slow so i decide to pass, i pass (they speed up slightly as i'm doing so) i put my blinker on to change back into the lane, pop back into the lane and i get flashing brights in my rear view as if i had done something wrong...i was a ways ahead of them at this point and slightly put brakes on and as soon as they saw that they quickly turned down a side road, seriously the way some people drive is irritating... i've had other stories like that where i'm following a slow person, pass and suddenly they decide they're going to ride my arse.... :Flip:
It would certainly be close...I think they have about the same top speed. HOWEVER, going 140 on a motorcycle is a lot easier than on a car. I mean handling and all.

That would depend on the car. My Honda S2000 is a relatively low powered sports car but it will do 155 mph no problem and keep up with sport bikes on most tracks and will run away from most sport bikes with less than pro riders on super tight tracks or twisties.

A Dodge charger may do ok on a straight line but throw some curves into the mix it is not going to keep up very well with a well ridden sport bike.
Good job. I ride fast and I'm not ashamed of it. I had the FZ in triple digit speeds lots of time. This also what I love about the bike: I can ride around town in comfort and look like a responsible person or get on the highway and do 140mph and keep up with other 600cc bikes.
I recently chatted with someone with an R6 and I told him I can do 140 and possibly 150 etc and he gave me a lecture about speeding! WTH?
I told him if he's such a tight ass about speeding buy a ninja 250 or a cruiser cuz you look like a hypocrite.
Good job. I ride fast and I'm not ashamed of it. I had the FZ in triple digit speeds lots of time. This also what I love about the bike: I can ride around town in comfort and look like a responsible person or get on the highway and do 140mph and keep up with other 600cc bikes.
I recently chatted with someone with an R6 and I told him I can do 140 and possibly 150 etc and he gave me a lecture about speeding! WTH?
I told him if he's such a tight ass about speeding buy a ninja 250 or a cruiser cuz you look like a hypocrite.

Any idiot can go fast in a straight line. You don't buy an R6 to max it out on the highway. They're set up to handle. If you want to fly on the interstate, you but a liter bike and save weight by riding in shorts and a t-shirt. Anyone doing "140 and possibly 150" on a highway is an idiot and deserves everything that's coming to them. They give us all a bad name and encourage other motorists to see us and treat us as threats. Thanks.
Any idiot can go fast in a straight line. You don't buy an R6 to max it out on the highway. They're set up to handle. If you want to fly on the interstate, you but a liter bike and save weight by riding in shorts and a t-shirt. Anyone doing "140 and possibly 150" on a highway is an idiot and deserves everything that's coming to them. They give us all a bad name and encourage other motorists to see us and treat us as threats. Thanks.

You wanna ride slow trade in the fazer for a pink scooter and you won't have to worry about us "speed demons" giving you a bad name.
1) Speed if you want to, it’s fun. 200kph sometimes is a good feeling. Just know when to reign it in. And always assume there is stuff on the road and animals etc. I personally pretend like I will see a giant pile of moose poop around every corner and that there WILL be a deer I have to dodge that day. It forces me out of that “comfort zone” where you just lay into the throttle. 99.9% of the time you will be fine in your heavy-throttle comfort zone but that doesn’t matter. You need to ride for that other 0.01% of the time 100% of the time…..hope that makes sense. In the end after incorporating that you will find that the times 200kph/125mph is actually an okay speed is pretty rare.
2) Speeding is a terrible way to deal with tailgaters. ALWAYS let the tailgater pass. ALWAYS. Move over and brake. He WILL pass you. Wave him to pass and eventually he will. Allowing the tailgater to dictate how you ride will mean you will be pushing on forward thinking about what’s BEHIND you….when the world is coming AT you…..bad mix. Also, why stress at all when you’re out riding? If you race away he will still be behind you….let him pass and forget he even exists.
3) Ignore tcmalker.

Have fun and enjoy your ride. Don't stress too much about being told you're a nutter. I just found out today some people on here have had their bikes for 4 years and have never redlined it, lol. But that doesn't change the fact that you need to look out for your own safety and a VERY aggressive safety-attitude is a NECESSARY thing when it comes to riding motorbikes. Later brother.
You wanna ride slow trade in the fazer for a pink scooter and you won't have to worry about us "speed demons" giving you a bad name.

Spoken with the utmost of maturity. Most of us here are fairly law abiding riders, not the "speed demons" you seem to think FZ6 riders are. Anyone can ride fast in a straight line if nothing is in front of them. The real riders know how to handle that speed, lean it into corners, and know what to do when something jumps out in front of them. Who gives a $hit if you can ride in triple digits if you only survive to ride a short while?!
You wanna ride slow trade in the fazer for a pink scooter and you won't have to worry about us "speed demons" giving you a bad name.

You sure you don't ride a "gixxer"? That sounds like the kind of ignorant thing a "gixxer" rider would say.
Good job. I ride fast and I'm not ashamed of it. I had the FZ in triple digit speeds lots of time. This also what I love about the bike: I can ride around town in comfort and look like a responsible person or get on the highway and do 140mph and keep up with other 600cc bikes.
I recently chatted with someone with an R6 and I told him I can do 140 and possibly 150 etc and he gave me a lecture about speeding! WTH?
I told him if he's such a tight ass about speeding buy a ninja 250 or a cruiser cuz you look like a hypocrite.

You're my kind of guy, we think the same bro. Let's go for a ride. I also ride triple digits most of time. It's just too fun! Highest I got up to was 123 indicated. Only had to stop because stupid cagers in front of me, not because I'm afraid. You best believe I'm going to break that record. I'm going to bring a gps with me, just to verify speed. Will update.

You wanna ride slow trade in the fazer for a pink scooter and you won't have to worry about us "speed demons" giving you a bad name.

Doing 140-150 on the interstate does not make you a "speed demon," it makes you an idiot. I thought my post was clear. Venture off the highway to some more challenging roads and you will quickly learn what separates you from that "hypocrite" on the R6 and the rest of the actual speed demons. I'm not worried about you giving me a bad name, I'm annoyed you're giving US ALL a bad name. 99.5% of the motoring public cannot identify an FZ6 sitting still, let alone at 140MPH. Any sporty looking motorcycle is lumped into the "crotch rocket" group and that's as far as they'll differentiate us from the Harley crowd. Do whatever you want. Hopefully you'll live long enough to lecture a squid someday.
Seriously! what's the deal with people in chargers, I had some idiot appear out of nowhere and tailgate me, he was so close I could see the he was wearing Oakley sunglasses:eek:, the speed limit was 40 which seems slow but it's fairly twisty with some dangerous drop offs for 5 miles, anyways I sped up to 50, he's still there, slowed down to 30, yep.... still behind me, so I realize this guy is toying with me, I move into the left lane (it's a 2 lane road) still moving at 30 mph, he stays in the right lane pacing me!, I hit the brakes and come to a complete stop in the left lane, this a**hole STOPS and sits there, I got pi$$ed, looked back at him and threw my hands in the air as a gesture of "WHAT", since I was stopped I turned the bike around got out of there fast as I could, I figured that bytime he got that car turnd around on that narrow road I would be long gone, I was talking with some locals of the area last week and apparently this jacka$$ is repeat offender, it's sad really that people like him are still living.:(
Seriously! what's the deal with people in chargers, I had some idiot appear out of nowhere and tailgate me, he was so close I could see the he was wearing Oakley sunglasses:eek:, the speed limit was 40 which seems slow but it's fairly twisty with some dangerous drop offs for 5 miles, anyways I sped up to 50, he's still there, slowed down to 30, yep.... still behind me, so I realize this guy is toying with me, I move into the left lane (it's a 2 lane road) still moving at 30 mph, he stays in the right lane pacing me!, I hit the brakes and come to a complete stop in the left lane, this a**hole STOPS and sits there, I got pi$$ed, looked back at him and threw my hands in the air as a gesture of "WHAT", since I was stopped I turned the bike around got out of there fast as I could, I figured that bytime he got that car turnd around on that narrow road I would be long gone, I was talking with some locals of the area last week and apparently this jacka$$ is repeat offender, it's sad really that people like him are still living.:(

FZ6:1 dodge charger: 1

You let him win. Next time do what joe1971 did. Don't worry, next time I see a charger, I'll take care of him.
Seriously! what's the deal with people in chargers:(

I think its not just Chargers but kinda of a overall Dodge thing. Not saying if you own a dodge you are this type of person, I owned one just a few years ago. But if you notice the dodge commercials they play to a certain type of individual. In our area a Dodge Ram jacked up with overly wide tires, bad boy sticker and chrome balls hanging off the hitch is the one to look out for. They buy these trucks and the only thing they ever haul in them is ass. That describes a great number of people in this county. :(

Funny thing is everyone will point at the motorcycle going down the hwy at high speeds but little is said about these mini tanks roaming around at 80+mph. The potential damage is much greater but its more acceptable for some reason.
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