Full Faced Helmet

Visor up or visor down

  • Visor up as much as possible.

    Votes: 109 25.7%
  • Visor down all the way.

    Votes: 315 74.3%

  • Total voters
The only time I ride Visor up is when I wear sunglasses underneath. I know this isn't always appropriate especially if you have a tinted visor, but mine is clear so I don't have to worry about swapping them out for day and night riding. I can see how you get a claustrophobic feel when its down, but one thing you might want to do is keep if cracked just a bit. That way you get airflow and breathing room without leaving your eyes and face exposed to the elements.
Visor down for me. Don't want to take that chance of a bee or something joining me in my helmet, or my eye. I will flip it up at intersections though to get some cooler air blowing into it.
Visor is almost always down. If it is very warm out, or I am stopped and sitting still I will crack the visor up the first notch just to get a little more airflow. Other than that, it is always down and above about 50 mph the visor wants to close itself anyways if I have it cracked.
I voted down all the way. But I'm not going to lie, I have been known to drive in town at 25 when its real hot! It goes up at every stop light!
Down!!! When i first started riding i rode with it up and only lasted two days before a knat or fly hit me square in the eye ball and caused me to swerve and almost crash....... Other then my eye being red and really watery i was fine.

Now i ride with it cracked under 40mph and always closed over. I have been hit in the face shield a few times by bees, dont even want to think about if i had it up :eek:
All the way down. If it's warm, I may pop it up at the intersection, but that's about it. I have had some rather large things hit my visor around where my eyes would have been, so I keep it down.
Up when it's sunny, sunglasses on, and 30mph or less.

Otherwise, down.

I use a tinted visor during the day (and it works very well with my chosen sunglasses,) clear visor at night; swap them as needed.

And, much to my dismay, I have had the random insect get in, and walk around my bald head when the visor was up, so I am not against re-thinking my strategy.... ;)
How do you prefer to wear your lid? Visor up or visor down?

Visor up in town, rain or not, and on the highway, visor up until I hit about 70mph.

I have a Shark Evoline Series 2 ST helmet, which features an integrated sun visor (think pilot's helmet) so always have that down during the day.

Even though it also has a swing away chin guard, I always have it in 'full face' mode when riding, the chin guard just means I don't have to take my helmet off when paying for fuel etc.

DOWN!!! was cruising down the interstate and a huge bee splattered right where my eye would have been, it sucks cleaning them off but on the bright side i still have my eyesight :cheer:
I wear riding glasses as well as my lid so I can keep my visor open all the time. I only really close it when I'm on the highway or helmet turbulence gets real bad. I always loved the visor open and I can relate to the "closed in" feeling.

Definitely get the glasses goin, 5$ for some cheap ones at a flea market. I've had expensive ones and they keep air out of your eyes way better, but I break or lose them way to often. I stick the cheapies so when I step on them or forget them on my seat I don't get to upset.

I've been known to take bugs to the face though which is never pleasant, but I can't let go of the wind in my face feeling - just love it.
Way too many bugs in Texas to not have a visor. Even at 15mph and my visor up, putting around, I'll get a bug in the face. My helmet has a clear visor so I wear sunglasses during the day, that helps.
Depends. In the heat, I maximize up time but never above 40mph. Even in cooler temps, I'll still raise it at lights or in traffic.

I don't have a closed in feeling with it down, but it certainly does feel better to have it up.

** I should have clarified - visor up while under 40 mph with safety glasses.
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When at slow speed, getting to the main route, neighborhood streets then visor up. Otherwise I never ride with the visor up.

I've heard couple stories how a person got hit by o rock, a very tiny one, and either injured an eye or lost vision partially. It is unsafe, period.
Visor down if I'm on the highway, if its cold or raining, or if there's a lot of bugs out.
Visor up around town usually, but I'm always wearing a pair of clear or tinted safety glasses underneath.
I have spent the last 5 years in a half helmet with just a pair of sun glasses on, I have taken a bug or two to the face. But never been stung, hit by a bird, rock about the worst hit just made me jump a bit due to the surprise. Since I got my fz6 I started wearing my full face all the time. I really miss the wind hitting my face so I have it open quite a bit. I have noticed that it seems to be a bug magnet. The shied gets hit way more than my face used to.
I like to keep mine up as much as possible as long as there are no bugs and I'm below 40 mph. Other than that it's closed all the way.
How do you prefer to wear your lid? Visor up or visor down?
I always prefer the visor open, I have tried many lids in the past and I still experience a closed in feeling. So I always ride visor up, the down side is obviously that my eyes start to water at speeds over 30 mph.

Once I get to eye watering speed I close the visor. Do any of you people experience a similar feeling in a full faced helmet?
Has anyone found a way of over coming the enclosed feeling?


Answer to the eye watering thing: Sunglasses
I do enjoy the wind and absence of being shut out from the world and so often ride visor up. That being said however I would never go with a half helmet - too many bugs and too much weather in this country, I really like the adaptability of the visor.

These days when it's not too cold but raining (or other reason to have visor down) I ride with it in the "urban" setting (one notch up from fully closed)