Fort Irwin?


Junior Member
Jan 7, 2009
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Petawawa, On, Can
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Hey guys. After the holidays the battle group is headed down to Fort Irwin for some training down there at the mock up Afghanistan.
We'll be there Jan and Feb, staying in the mod tents, vehicles, hooches... Basically the same thing as what we'll be doing in operation.
The info I can't get from my staff, is what type of weather and temperatures to expect. How cold is it at night?
I have all my kit piled up on my bed and i'm trying to decide what to pack as far as sleeping gear and any warm kit.
At night the temps ranges high 20's to mid 30's degrees F. especially in the middle of winter (Jan - Feb). There's not much humidity there, so it is a dry cold. It could be windy at times, make sure you have eye and face protections (goggles) from blowing sands. It won't hurt to have your wet weather gears (gotex parka) with too. Hope this helps you a bit.
NTC can get butt-ass cold in the winter. Bring all of your winter weather kit, except the polar stuff. When we went into the box it was for about 30 to 45 days and you never knew what you'd need. Even in the summer I'd pull out the Gore-Tex and thermo top in the summer at night because of the temperature difference from daytime.

The weather will be all over the place; sunny, cloudy, rainy and maybe snow - hard to say.
Should be cold enough to keep the rattlesnakes and scorpions dormant.

That's good, I really don't want to be dealing with someone having a bad reaction from a bite.
I guess I'll be packing almost all of my kit aside from the really cold gear. They actually told us today to expect rain, snow, floods, cold, heat, a bit of everything... And I thought this was going to be enjoyable lol.
good luck on your training, I'm here in KAF working a civvie contract,
leaving in late March, right about the time ROTO 9 is due in here I
think, I'd be happy to buy you a Timmy's here on the boardwalk if I
have the chance, spent the summer with the VanDoo's, PPCLI in here
now, and as an Ontario guy, I'm looking forward to you RCR's coming in

Thanks! We're slated for coming in april to may.
I have a close friend who is a fellow medic there with PPCLI, Pte. Zwaga (or his name tags may still say Hargreaves) but I have no clue where he is in the country or what he's up to, I'm just glad I've had no bad news so far!
sounds like I'll miss you, and yeah it is good that the casualty count has slowed
a bit, the VanDoos had a pretty tough ROTO...very good friend of mine has a
lad there in Pet slated to go in spring, I believe he's an RCR3, Ryan Temple....
maybe you know him, good of luck to all of you