Five Daughters – BBC Drama


Junior Member
Apr 19, 2008
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London, UK [Berks]
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Gosh - I found this drama so moving. The BBC filmed a three part drama based on the Ipswich 2006 Serial Murders, here in the UK. Not too sure if this post is fit for the ‘Bar’ tho.

I vaguely remember watching the news one morning [usually for the weather, just before going to work] and seeing reports of a ladies body being found in Ipswich... That kinda stuff anyways freaks me out, even though im not from Ipswich.

Well – the final episode aired this evening, man I can’t help but feel for the families who lost their daughters’ to this man, regardless of their troubles.
Anyone else happen to watch this on BBC One? Sorry to all who are not from the UK, as you guys are prolly thinking what the heck am I on about...

For non-uk’ers...

BBC’s iPlayer may not allow content to be viewed for non UK based IP addresses... But if you can, you can watch Episode One below
BBC iPlayer - Five Daughters: Episode 1
I was working in Ipswich at the time and remember it well. One time I was taking my car to the garage in a small village off the A14 and got overtaken by a police car. About a mile down the road I got turned back - they were taping off a crime scene having found another body. The girls from work started going home in groups together because nobody knew when he was going to strike next.

I didn't watch the drama TBH. There was a really good documentary made about it last year: Cutting Edge - Killer in a Small Town.
I don't think I can watch another documentary RE the above Jez. The BBC's version was enough to put shivers down my spine.... Its crazy when terrible stuff like this happens nearby work or close to where you live.

Thanks Jez for sharing...