Favourite bumper stickers

There are two kinds of pedestrians - the quick and the dead.

Beer: Now Cheaper Than Gasoline So Don’t Drive… Drink

I Don’t Suffer From Insanity… I Enjoy Every Minute Of It

I'm Great In Bed (I Can Sleep All Night)
"Cat... It's the other white meat"

"Bad cop... no donut"

"Remember when sex was safe and motorcycles were dangerous?"

"Gun control means hitting your target"
And the one I want, and will have to make is a small Calvin Pissing, being pissed on by a larger Calvin Pissing sticker. That one will need some work with scissors to make, but should be good for a laugh.


YES!!!! I've always wanted that too! I hate those friggin "Calvin Peeing on Something I don't Like" stickers


(don't know wht his face is blacked out - must be worried about privacy. Poor crazy, mixed up kid)

If I've offended anyone, please feel free to put a sticker on your truck of Calvin peeing on me.
[SIZE=-1]The prow of "Spaceball one" edges onto the screen, endless minutes pass by as this behemoth of the void cruises unstoppably. After many hours the end of this leviathan comes into view.
[SIZE=-1]Floating after it the mangled wreckage of the galaxy quest vessel. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]The bumper sticker is "WE BRAKE FOR NOBODY"[/SIZE]
I've got this one on my locker at work..."Bikers are a rare breed, Harley riders are a dime a dozen."
i saw a sticker on a helmet the other day at Hooters bike night

"just put me back on my motorcycle"

"don't laugh your daughter may be inside"

"D.A.R.E. Drugs Are Really Expensive
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I seen one the other day on a bike ride "Imports are like Tampons every pussy has to have one" it was talking about Hondas, Acuras and cagers like that.
Back in the late 70's in a world full of "Jeasus Loves You", "Gay Pride", "Save the Whales" and "NO Nukes"


And then from the late 80's

I FEEL GREAT!! (And I don't kiss bad either)
"Earth first... we'll log the rest of the planets later"

"What will your drop-out kid's prison name be?" Only saw one of these(home made) but I loved it.

Only New England folk will get this one.
"This car can't climb Mt Washington"

"Don't laugh, it's paid for"

"Keep working, millions on welfare depend on you"

"Friends don't let friends drive Yugo's" (very old)
Best one I ever saw, about 17 years ago: "RCH PHKR"

It was on the back of a Rolls-Royce... :rof: