Fantasy Football

Draft Results

1. dschult2
2. Azrael's Klo...
3. RSaliga Hool...
4. rsmith2072
5. AlwaysShadyI...
6. Vegasrider
7. Peter's Team
8. dpaul007 Bro...
9. 52pickup
10. Rookie08FZ6
I heard that they have been experiencing problems with the mock draft.

Just wing it, I'm have two drafts that are overlapping. What is the order of the draft anyways?
Yeah I'm going try anyway, but I'm not confident at all. If it was something benign like the wrong team showing up after the draft or something I would not be that annoyed. However the fact that it crashes the app points to a serious bug. Looks like an incompatibility with the OS. Those are almost always never trivial. Hope I'm wrong. Fingers crossed.
Does any one Know who Peter's Team is? He is the only one that hasn't paid. He also will not respond to my emails.

Does any one know anyone else that would want to play.I will start a new forum trying to find someone today.
I think Peter's forum id is hurrican3p. You could try PMing him too. He was one of the returns from last year and might not be using the yahoo mail id that he created. I know I use mine only for FF.