Ever been laughed at for "gearing up"??

My wife was a Harley pillion in a past life and once she began ridding on the back of my "crotch rocket" and I explain why gear is important and how gear actually makes you more comfortable, no sun burn, no wind burn, no grass hoppers between the eyes - she was okay with it. After we did out first day trip she said she really liked her gear and the ride was more comfortable for her.

She did say she missed the vibrations of the Harley however!!!! :eek:
I had the unfortunate opportunity to test my gear at about 110 mph. It saved my life. My leathers had to be cut off by the MEDEVAC crew but they were in one piece, my boot stayed together and my helmet had, I kid you not, 10 big hits on it. Many bones were broken, all my ribs on the left side, left collar bone, puntured left lung, bruised spleen and a Tony Achman concussion.

I did have roadrash from the from the friction of the leathers, and I had glass shards in my face and forehead from my glasses breaking. It took a couple of months for the glass to work out of my face.

So.............WEAR YOUR GEAR! It works!
She did say she missed the vibrations of the Harley however!!!! :eek:

Just twiddle those brass mixture screws that we adjusted when we synched the throttle bodies. Take half of them and turn them a full turn clockwise. Turn the other two a full turn counterclockwise. That ought to bring the vibrations back.

Just twiddle those brass mixture screws that we adjusted when we synched the throttle bodies. Take half of them and turn them a full turn clockwise. Turn the other two a full turn counterclockwise. That ought to bring the vibrations back.


Great idea! I love no cost mods. :D
They can laugh as much as they want I would still gear up.

I would rather be safe and responsible than a red bloody mess on the floor.

As I think 100% of responsible bikers would.

I do get a bit brave on very hot days....I leave the lining out of my jacket.

I cant ride to the shop to get milk without suiting up...i find if i ride without all my gear, i am wracked with guilt, cause i start thinking, if i do come off, i will be just one of those people in hospital i shake my head at when i see them riding in anything less than full protective gear.

Good riding gear is a lot more comfortable to ride in and is a lot less expensive these days.

I have recently done a bit of a gear upgrade and have purchased new leather pants with full padding in hips, etc, knee pads, stretch panels, and detachable knee sliders. Decent boots with good ankle support, a leather jacket with full armour - back, elbows, shoulders. A new helmet, and a pair of high quality cordura pants with full padding, knee pads, with a removable windproof&waterproof llining, and a removable qulited lining.

All this cost me just over $1000 Australian...6-7 years ago, i would of been up for lots more. My Cordura Jacket (Clover), with removable liner and full armour, cost me $600 alone back then!

That $1000 spent will save me a lot more money i reckon if the unthinkable happens.

Oh and one other thing, i never let anyone on the back of my bike without full gear on. My 9 year old son has jacket & pants with full armour, a good quality helmet, gloves, and boots on every time he goes on the bike....and i cant even begin to think of the guilt i would have if i let him on with anything less.

Sorry to rant but i am a stickler for good gear, have seen one too many cases of hardcore road rash! and i want to do everything i can to stay healthy for my kids sake, and for my own.

No cage to protect us, invisible to most, and roads are hard!
Also, I have seen people riding in Mass. with helmets hooked ont heir arm, because there is no statement int he law saying WHERE they have to wear their helmet, just htat they have to wear one. How lame is that?

I have never seen that! And I know that if a cop saw that they would be fined for it. That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.. dumbasses.
I too also wear all my gear all the time! Good looking out! Glad to hear that there are more people telling the cruiser riders what it's all about!
Ok so im ready to leave work for home today, 85 degrees out. As im putting on my joe rocket textile mesh jacket, pants, full gloves, shoei helmet and boots one of the "cruiser guys" I work with comes up and just laughes at me "afraid of getting cold there"??? He wears jeans, tee shirt, tupperwear helmet (1/8" thick that says for novelity use only) and no gloves. I say "nah just being safe ya know" Then he says "oh dont be scared":mad:

What an idiot.. This ever happen to anyone else??

Usually no in my case. When I take off the full helmet and they see my bald head and white beard they usually say something nice. Even the "cruiser guys". It helps that I like all kinds of bikes - except maybe "rat" bikes. I usually try to compliment the other guy's bike first and start up a conversation.

If you want practice ignoring comments like that just gear up and take a long bicycle ride. Helmet, gloves, lycra shirt and padded shorts, bike cleats, tights if the weather is below about 50 degrees F and a backpack if the ride is over 60 miles. Stares? Who cares - I'm ready to ride! And it must feel pretty good when you're standing at the summit of Mt Mitchel (Highest point east of Mississippi River) and someone 20 years younger comes up to you and says - "Wow! You made it to the top!" (Google Assault on Mt Mitchel) That was me, congratulating my riding buddy in 1990, the first time I rode the Assault I was 38, he was 60+.

So don't worry about the idiots. They probably won't be riding nearly as long as you and that's THEIR loss.
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Great Post!
I am a new rider and after completing the MSF course, I went out and bought a mesh TourMaster jacket (w/ wet wx and cold wx liners Cool!) and a full face helmet (before I even bought my bike). I already had gloves, reflector belt, and boots and I am researching which mesh pants I would like to buy (jeans curently). I live in lower Alabama and it gets hot as he!! down here and I often have fealings of jelousy when I see these guys in t shirts and half shell helmets.

Thanks for Reinforcing what I know is right!!


Great Post!
I am a new rider and after completing the MSF course, I went out and bought a mesh TourMaster jacket (w/ wet wx and cold wx liners Cool!) and a full face helmet (before I even bought my bike). I already had gloves, reflector belt, and boots and I am researching which mesh pants I would like to buy (jeans curently). I live in lower Alabama and it gets hot as he!! down here and I often have fealings of jelousy when I see these guys in t shirts and half shell helmets.

Thanks for Reinforcing what I know is right!!

Absolutely, I have a few buddies I ride with.. and they all do something different with gear... one JUST wears a full face and a t-shirt (you know that deal).. another puts on a pair of sunglasses... so on and so fourth. So really what ends up happening is they will be sitting there idling ready to roll out, and looking at me strapping my helmet down, zipping up my armored scorpion jacket.... pulling on my gloves and snugging down the wrist straps, making sure my Springfield XD-40 is in its upright and locked position. Yeh i know, im such an ******* for holding them up for an extra 60 secs while I take as many precautionary steps for my own personal well being as possible hahaha (including the sidearm :thumbup: ).

Sometimes they will leave and I'm just starting her up... no big deal. My '08 FZ6 catches up to a '07 Ninja 650, harley sportster, and a shadow no prob :rockon:
I got my bike ticket 23 years ago when I was 16 years old...I always wore a helmet...but never any PPE...young and stupid. I always rode in jeans and a t-shirt...not very smart. I have never rode in shorts or anything like that; nor have I ever drank on a day I would be riding either, but as I have gotton older I have realized that the helmet is only the beginning...especially since I now have a family to worry about.:rolleyes:

Unfortunately, I did not have a good role model to learn from with regards to proper riding protection.:(

Now I ride with helmet, jacket (mesh/armour in summer, leather/armour in the cooler months), boots, gloves and always long pants. I am now looking for some riding pants to add to the protection.:D

The last time I went down on a bike was 22 years ago and it was at low speed, I spend most of the time on the hood of the car that hit me, so no road rash, lucky for me, because I was not wearing PPE, except the helmet.:(

I don't care what people say either, I would rather live to ride another day!:thumbup:

Wear the gear.....
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Yes, but I dont care. I have walked away from a crash with just bruises, and am living to tell the story because of the gear. So would I invest a few mintues in gearing up and ignore the ridicule - you bet!
Yeah, some guy laughed at me once for gearing up. So I slammed my helmet into his face. Now if he'd been wearing a helmet both of us would have to buy new ones. Instead I paid 200 for my helmet, but no matter what his nose never looked the same :spank:
Ok so im ready to leave work for home today, 85 degrees out. As im putting on my joe rocket textile mesh jacket, pants, full gloves, shoei helmet and boots one of the "cruiser guys" I work with comes up and just laughes at me "afraid of getting cold there"??? He wears jeans, tee shirt, tupperwear helmet (1/8" thick that says for novelity use only) and no gloves. I say "nah just being safe ya know" Then he says "oh dont be scared":mad:

What an idiot.. This ever happen to anyone else??

happened once. there were no survivors.
Yup .. they laugh ... i smile.

Came off once at about 30km/h ... no gloves. Anyone makes smart comments i tell them how wonderful it is not being able to wipe your own @$$ for a month or 2. :eek:

I also enjoy the time it takes to gear up ... let the bike warm up gently, get your head in the right space.
When I’m out riding I wave to everyone on two wheels…these are the guys who never wave back and the same people who, during Sturgis bike week, want to go for a bike ride after having one too many. A good example of bravado being substituted for common sense.
I get some funny looks from the guys at work that looks like they want to say " What the hell are you wearing a jacket for you sissy??"

The funny thing is, I remember wrecking on my bicycle going no more than 10-15 mph and getting pretty scraped up!! I cant imagine what hitting the pavement with a t-shirt on would be like.

I wear a Shoei Helmet, Joe Rocket leather jacket, joe rocket riding gloves, heavy jeans and my composite toe work boots everytime I ride, even if im just riding down to the bank or gas station. People seem to be a little too ignorant when it comes to simple safety.

All it takes is some old lady to not see you and pull out right in front of you.
Say you are doing only 35 mph, you might be able to reduce some speed braking but if you dont manage to dodge her, your a$$ is most likely to be sliding along the pavement, and last time I can recall scraping my skin against pavement, it didn't feel too great!!