Elderly drivers scare me...!!

Hell yeah... a few months ago an old granny bumped into my rear wheel stopped at a red light. Luckily it was a light tap but clearly she wasn't paying attention. I got off the bike to make sure everything is fine and she didn't even acknowledge the incident. She shoosh me off with her hand/arm gesturing me to just go since the light turned green. WTF!!!!
I'm in total agreement regarding elderly drivers. I almost got smoked in a Walgreens parking lot this past August or September. The old boy didn't even see me until I stood my bike on it's nose and laid on the horn.
elderly drivers are a hazard. Especially the ones that never had to take a driving test. I say we make driver's licenses valid for maximum 5 years, and for eldery people 1 or 2 years. And they have to get a full physical exam every time, and redo all tests.
Hell yeah... a few months ago an old granny bumped into my rear wheel stopped at a red light. Luckily it was a light tap but clearly she wasn't paying attention. I got off the bike to make sure everything is fine and she didn't even acknowledge the incident. She shoosh me off with her hand/arm gesturing me to just go since the light turned green. WTF!!!!

I would have taken down her license plate number and turned it in to the police. Not for money or a lawsuit or an insurance claim, I would have turned her in so that she would learn to watch out for other people.
i was out with my familly today and driving home behind a slow moving 4x4 ..i couldnt even see the driver at the time..so were heading along a long srtaight road which is perfectly clear..im driving at a steady 40mph but im closing in on this car..then it accelerated suddenly and then breaked hard down to about 15mph..by this time ive decided to pass it..as i glance over theres this old dear hunched over the steering wheel peering out just above the dashboard..she must of been in her 80's and shes driving a X-trail..she would be a hazzard on a mobillity scooter yet here she was...madness
Hell yeah... a few months ago an old granny bumped into my rear wheel stopped at a red light. Luckily it was a light tap but clearly she wasn't paying attention. I got off the bike to make sure everything is fine and she didn't even acknowledge the incident. She shoosh me off with her hand/arm gesturing me to just go since the light turned green. WTF!!!!

That is a time you call the police. That person does NOT belong on the road.

I had someone do that to me too, but they acknowledged it and apologized, and there wasn't any damage so I called them an idiot and rode off.
I would have taken down her license plate number and turned it in to the police. Not for money or a lawsuit or an insurance claim, I would have turned her in so that she would learn to watch out for other people.

In most states if you report them, they will be FORCED to take a drivers test, or no more license. We used to do that as teenagers, report old people.
Everybody (not just the elderly) worry me!:eek:

I agree,it's not just the elderly that are hazards.

But don't forget we will be in the same situation one day and you might say now that "if I know I,m dangerous to others I,ll hand my license in". But giving up your independence might be a lot harder than you think.
I think people should be retested on a regular basis, no matter how old they are. It doesn't take long and it would keep the roads alot safer from people who develop bad habits over the years. I am also afraid of elderly drivers and their unpredictability, but I am equally afraid of 30 year olds who think they know everything who have bad habits from whent heyw ere in college that they never shook.
retest all the way.. hell make it mandetory for everyone to be retested every 5 years.. keep all the crappy drivers off the roads
How about the flip side? My dad is 80+, still driving. I am the first to admit his driving skills are not what they used to be. BUT he and my mom live out in the middle of nowhere. There is no public transit and no taxis, the nearest store is 20 Km away. So without driving they would not be able to get groceries or survive. They don't have money to move to a city with the higher cost of living.

What sentence would you pass on my dad? Sometimes I think some of you are very quick to judge without looking at all aspects of the situation. Would you confine him to the house? I am not saying that he should be driving, I just cannot fathom his not driving.

Maybe something like a learners sign? A bit red "E" for elderly, in the front and aft of the car? I know it would stop him from cutting you off, but it might jive you a head's up. What would you guys suggest, might be a middle ground.

BTW, I do believe he does have to take a medical every year for his license.
When we attend driving school her in Denmark (We have to, to get any licence) most of us are told that the most dangerous things on the road are:

- Pimped up cages. (The drivers mostly wonna show off)
- Elderly drivers
- 18 wheelers (Limited line of sight)

However it is also stressed, that the pimped up cages are danger number 1!!
The biggest thign that would (and is, in some states) stop requiring elderly drivers from getting retested is that it goes against anti-discrimination laws. You can NOT discriminate based on AGE, sex, sexual orientation, religion, etc..... Age is the first thing listed. The way around it is to require it of ALL drivers, but the majority of taxpayers and voters will never allow that to happen because htey don't want to be inconvenienced once every 5 years in exchange for safer road conditions.

I would also argue that people should have a separate license for driving int he snow. There are way too many people around here that think that, just because they have a huge 4-wheel drive SUV, they are safer int he snow than someone like me in my 2WD car. They also believe that they can go the full speed limit in horrible conditions because of that 4WD, and then they end up going off the road because it doesn't helpt hem take that 90 degree corner at speed. grr.... Sorry, rant over!
I have family who are getting up there in age (grandparents, etc). My grandfather is almost 80 and still drives, BUT has also admitted he has limits. He won't drive after dark or if he's going to the doctors for certain work. He also doesn't drive in bad weather. My great grandmother gave up her license and her car years ago when her eyesight started going. My mom still has a valid license (mind you she's in her 40s), but due to medical reasons, has stopped driving and knows she'll probably lose her license when she goes to renew it. I know not all people will voluntarily stop driving, but if they don't, i do believe there should be mandatory testing and yes, revocation if necessary.
I've had more close calls with testosterone-driven 20-somethings in their pickups or tinted-windowed "sports" cars and with women on cell phones plowing around in SUV's than I ever have had with 'elderly" people. ;)
Tradesmen in vans/trucks are also terrible, unpredictable drivers...always in a hurry to get to that next job.
I've had more close calls with testosterone-driven 20-somethings in their pickups or tinted-windowed "sports" cars and with women on cell phones plowing around in SUV's than I ever have had with 'elderly" people. ;)
Tradesmen in vans/trucks are also terrible, unpredictable drivers...always in a hurry to get to that next job.

Yup, and that's why EVERYONE should be retested on a regular basis. What do you think the chances are that these people would be able to suddenly "turn on" the skills needed to pass a driving test when they haven't used those skills since they were 16.
In London, I think I was mostly at risk from pimped up cagers and White Van men. And in the congestion its anyone especially when I am filtering and they think the next lane is going faster.
Yup, and that's why EVERYONE should be retested on a regular basis. What do you think the chances are that these people would be able to suddenly "turn on" the skills needed to pass a driving test when they haven't used those skills since they were 16.

I think the chances are very very good. Everyone becomes a safe driver when they see the cops are behind them. I agree that older drivers can be a danger but I think we are very quick to descriminate. For many of them they have no choice. Should they be tested? That would be a major expense, and arguably an infringement of their rights. What do you do with the millions of grandparents left stranded and unable to care for themselves? It's not a simple answer. The roads are dangerous, always have been, that's why we wear seatbelts... ha. I'm not saying I haven't gotten some road rage from old people, they can really piss you off, but in general it's because they are TOO cautious.