ebay frame sliders yea or nay?

yea i got to test my oes frame sliders by an unfortunate accident yesterday. i highly recommend them. the bikes fine and so am i. the slider and mounting screw took all the force. as did the rest of my protective gear. now i just need to find a new set of bar end mirror/sliders. if anyone can help with that id really appreciate it.
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The fact that they feel the need to put "(LOOK!!!Not real carbon fiber material)" in the description should tell you all you need to know about their target market. :p

I'll spend the extra $50 or less to know that in the unhappy event I need to use them, they might actually do something helpful, thankyouverymuch.
I'm on my second set of R&G sliders, got to test the first ones thanks to a drunk driver one night, they did what they are meant to perfectly.
why take the risk of a junk product that will not do what it needs to in the event of a crash or heck even just a driveway drop.. just to save a few bucks??? go with a quality brand. there are many to choose from, but why skimp out on safety??
I have Shogun no cut frame sliders. Haven't used them but they are pretty good looking and have the aluminum insert so they can be torqued down correctly.
Woodcraft is also top notch with replaceable pucks, I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to get my frame sliders through my powerbronze lowers still haven't done that yet ;(
i do love my lsl's, but i have never had to "test" them... i bought second hand from someone else who didnt have to test them.. you could always do that..

we should have some sort of forum contest where we can offer a "newb" prize .. have to get on that soon...

and by newb i do not mean any offense. i was once a newb too.. we all were at one point..
i do love my lsl's, but i have never had to "test" them... i bought second hand from someone else who didnt have to test them.. you could always do that..

we should have some sort of forum contest where we can offer a "newb" prize .. have to get on that soon...

and by newb i do not mean any offense. i was once a newb too.. we all were at one point..
Were all Newbs mate, "Stop learning stop living" that's what I reckon.

My motovation sliders did great in my crash. Frame and everything was fine. Bike was totalled because the front end was crushed under the bus. Besides the front end tho, everything else was fine. :rolleyes: Frame sliders did their job.

Yeah... unlicensed bus drivers...
I have Shogun no cut frame sliders. Haven't used them but they are pretty good looking and have the aluminum insert so they can be torqued down correctly.

I have the shogun sliders. I got the carbon fiber ones, it is a real carbon fiber sleeve if that is the look you are going for. Mini van+sand+AC condensation on pavement allowed me to test mine out. I bought another pair.
Look good man. They look like my motovation ones. Just make sure and torque the bolts down properly. They are the bolts holding the engine in the frame after all. :D