Down goes the scooter!


I used to be Jethro
Premium Member
Jul 26, 2008
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Northern Mt. USA
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I was coming home for lunch yesterday and this guy jumps out in front of me on this little scooter with this very attractive girl on the back, no gear, no helmets, nothing. The girl has shorts and a t-shirt and the guy has khakis and flat canvas shoes on. They weren't driving like dummies but still, not even a helmet? So they go to turn into Dairy Queen and the front tire hits the gravel pile thats in every intersection or turn in Mt. and BOOM! Down they went. The scooter goes one way, the dude the other way and the girl goes sliding down the street on her tushi. (CRINGE) Lesson learned I hope. I feel bad for the girl but not the guy. Hope her road rash heals quick. She sure was PI$$ED!!
I saw a scooter go down without a passenger two years ago. He put the tire into the gravel patch and attempted a right turn and WHAM! SCRAPE SCRAPE.

Crocs launched off of his feet, he immediately tries to lift the scooter up but the fork was too bent and it dumps on the other side.

I couldn't imagine seeing that poor girl fall as a passenger.
This is what I always feared riding around the pothole infested city of Milwaukee. That little tire of my Vespa would land in a hole and scare the $hit outta me. Luckily I had no accidents with it. *knocks on wood*
