Do you nod/wave to scooters?

Do you nod/wave to scooter riders?

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Oct 12, 2008
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I thought I'd bring this up as I nodded to a scooter today on the way home (it was dark and it had dual headlights) and I thought to myself "Damn! Now the damn squid will feel good". As you can tell I do NOT nod to scooters! :D

I know there are a couple of threads on this sort of subject already (here and here) but this is from the point of view of "I hate scooter riders and I wonder if everyone else does".

There is also already a mention of the great youtube clip below done by mordeath, but I think it's something worth watching if you didn't see the earlier threads. Quite a few of his other vids are quite interesting too.
[ame=""]YouTube - BIKER WAVES[/ame]

I know we were all young once and I once owned a scooter when I was about 14 or 15 (years and years ago). But I only rode it at low speeds very safely in the little village I used to live in. It bought it with a decent helmet that was worth more than £50 on it's own, cleaned and painted the wheels and sold it a year later for £100. :rockon:

Oh yeah, and everyone MUST read this post about nods from people riding a Goldwing! :Flip: The wave of the motorcyclist (idea)
Oh great! Now I look like a twat! The question should actually be written "Do you nod/wave to scooter riders?" not "Do you knod/wave to scooter riders?"

Scooter people ain't riders!!!!

They are just annoying little piss-ants that don't have the brain to get a licence for a REAL bike!!

Hmmmmmm, just love to let out steam :)
i nod to them if they nod first..granted most of them are little chavs who probably dont even have a licence but i would feel like a hypocrit (sp) and become what we hate most about the HD you said we all started somewhere
i nod to them if they nod first..granted most of them are little chavs who probably dont even have a licence but i would feel like a hypocrit (sp) and become what we hate most about the HD you said we all started somewhere

Gotta agree with you there mate.

Although I gotta say that a small number of them are okay and proper bikers at heart. I'm a teacher and so every year we get a new influx of 16 year olds who get scooters. Most of them I teach or chat to or they'll chat to me and there is usually 1 out of 10-15 who is actually a biker at heart.

One last year rode a 50cc geared trials bike and rode motocross and was planning to buy a 650cc KTM supermoto when he did his test. Of course his dad owned a bike shop and so he had a good influence in his life! ;)

There's another one this year who rides a heavily modified Aprilia RS50 and we're discussing what bike he should get when he does his full test next year. It's a toss up between a naked SV650 or an older GSX400 or CBR400 (man those things look great for their age).
I put sometimes but not if their scooter looks cool. I don't think any scooter actually looks cool and they are not meant to. I wave to them if they wave to me.
Have any of you ever ridden a scooter in traffic?

Tiny wheels.
Inadequate suspension.
Inadequate brakes.
No power.
No maneuverability.

Anyone who takes one of those out in traffic has got big brass balls, and I will wave to them.
Have any of you ever ridden a scooter in traffic?

Tiny wheels.
Inadequate suspension.
Inadequate brakes.
No power.
No maneuverability.

Anyone who takes one of those out in traffic has got big brass balls, and I will wave to them.

Amen to Fred!

I rode a 50cc scooter as a daily commuter for two years. One thing it teaches you very quickly is how to maintain momentum and plan your route through traffic, as when you've got around 3 horsepower and a top end of 40mph you really do hate losing speed.

And I always nod to them, mainly because when I was a scooterboy I used to nod to bikers, and if they didn't nod back I thought of them as arrogant twunts.

I say support your local :squid:, one day he'll buy a proper bike and become your new riding buddy!:thumbup:
Here's another link on a poll about waves.

Don't know why poll closes ,but it's closed but nice to get some type of an idea.

Answer to your question, No. Although scooters are very abundant here in LV, for some reason, there is a law that they can legally ride without gear ( yeah, no helmet ) and they do not have to have the bike registered or have insurance if the scooter is 50cc or less. You might not even have to have a driver's license, but I would have to verify that. But I know you don't have to have a motorcycle endorsement. So you still expect me to wave to them?
I've yet to have a scooter rider wave to me. That tells me that they don't understand "the code." I'll wave to just about anyone, but even when I have waved to scooter folks, they never wave back. I really don't think they get the concept. The purpose to me is to acknowledge the fact that they are part of a special group. It makes me feel good to wave to other riders (including Harley's, because they'll sometimes wave back) because we can all appreciate the joy of riding on two wheels. Scooters were meant to get someone 150 mpg and not for the joy of riding, therefore, I do not wave.
Here's another link on a poll about waves.

Don't know why poll closes ,but it's closed but nice to get some type of an idea.

Answer to your question, No. Although scooters are very abundant here in LV, for some reason, there is a law that they can legally ride without gear ( yeah, no helmet ) and they do not have to have the bike registered or have insurance if the scooter is 50cc or less. You might not even have to have a driver's license, but I would have to verify that. But I know you don't have to have a motorcycle endorsement. So you still expect me to wave to them?

Man that is scary. At least here they now have to do their CBT (Compulsory Basic Training) for a day before they're allowed to ride. When I did my CBT (on a 125) the instructor made one of the scooter riders take the highway code home with him over the weekend and come back the next week before he would let him pass. I think 16 is just too young to be on the road especially in something so easy to screw up on. The number of times I've seen kids come into school with new scratches down the sides of their scooters. One even did it right next to me in the school grounds as I was parking my bike - he decided to turn at a pretty high speed on pure loose gravel!!!
two wheels is two wheels - scooters are awesome. I was in between a Zuma 125 or the tw200 and went with the tw.

The suzuki burgman 650 is sweet and so is the tmax
i do know one thing worse than scooter riders (even the one i saw the other morning texting on his mobile) and that is horses..i live in the country ,boys get the scooters but the girls get horses:eek:..there is no way these slight 13-15 year olds have any control of these animals
Only if I think it's a motorcycle. After I wave and see that it's a scooter, I feel like such a dumbass.

The reason being, the only people who ride scooters in my city are yuppy assholes on their vespas and piagios.

I remember once seeing a tiny vespa on the bay bridge. I thought, that guy is either extremely dumb or extremely brave.
Yeah I wave. All of your "they are scum" mentalities are very similar to a Harley rider's...

Yep. I said it.