Do you have a Gremlin Bell?

Gremlin Bell? You have one on your bike?

  • No, not yet.

    Votes: 23 19.7%
  • Yes, I have one on my bike

    Votes: 27 23.1%
  • Yes, but I still crashed

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • Never will, I don't believe this nonsense!

    Votes: 63 53.8%

  • Total voters
My bike came with one. The previous owner told me about how it's a good idea (He was kind of strange). I think it's more of a cruiser thing. I don't subscribe to religious superstition, let alone motorcycle superstition, so I took it off, since it looks kind of stupid on a sporty-ish bike.
just another trinket someone made to profit from the superstition of others, similar to one of the main concepts of religion. Using fear and intimidation to gain power and money from others.
Not that I put too much belief into the gremlin bells but I'll go ahead and share a testimony.

My friend and I took a trip from Dallas to Chicago a few months back and before we left he gave me a gremlin bell and I attached to my left passenger foot peg as a form of appreciation. After a thousand miles and many hours on the saddle we made it to our destination safe and sound.

The next day on our way to a place for lunch with our bikes and I was leading with him a good distant behind me; I realized I had miss a turn and needed to turn around, instead of making a U-turn I decided to just turn right into a parking lot. Signaled, slowed down and as I was about to turn right I felt this giant vacuum of pressure and a distinct BANG! as I saw a giant red flash going pass my left side *it was his bike*

It shook me up for a moment and I looked forward, pulled up to him and asked if everything was a alright; he said yeah and we both inspected our bikes, No damage at all. Still to this day we don't know what happened; either I braked too fasted or he blanked out for a moment but he told me that I was far ahead in front and then all of sudden I was right in front of him and he had to quickly swerve and missed each other by centimeters.

The worse thing that happened was when he tried to avoid me; his bicep caught my elbow and I ended up giving him a very bad bruise; though we were both wearing leather jackets my elbow was armored while the inside of riding jackets are not.

This could of ended very badly with both of our bikes in pieces being hundreds of miles away but it didn't so I'm grateful :)

Draw your own conclusion but I make no promises that yours may yield the same results :D
I've gotten Motorcycles as gifts,but never a Gremlin Bell to keep me from crashing one........ hmmmm maybe they wanted Me to crash!! LOL I knew it was to good to be true!!! :spank: :BLAA: :rockon: :rockon:
I have a magical cheese sandwich that I keep with me. I have always had it with me when I ride and I have never wrecked therefore the cheese sandwich has magical powers and protects me. I have also never been struck by lightning so it protects me from that as well.

I am selling them for only $29.95 if anyone is interested in one.
A friend of mine (an old band mate) gave me one when I passed my M Class and bought an old CB 750. I keep it on the FZ keychain now for luck, I guess, although I'm not entirely too superstitious. I do knock on wood (my skull) regularly, though. :D I pretty much take it as a gesture of good will from my buddy, and I figure that's worth taking along.

For what it's worth, the CB's key had a cheap dollar keychain from another ex-band mate & friend that said, "You and I would make a cute couple, if only you were cute." :BLAA:
I have one that was gifted to me, but I haven't been able to figure out where to put it on the FZ. Where is yours? (if you have one) thanks
Nobody ever gave me one. I'm told they don't work if you buy it for yourself. As far as mounting it, most of the cruiser guys mount them to the frame with zip ties. That way they jingle in the wind (gotta jingle for the road gremlins, lol), and the black zip tie isn't noticeable on the black frame.
manufactured in the same factory in china that makes children's toys and other gadgets for the weak minded. do you guys really think this mass produced bell being sold for the reason to make profit off of the superstitious and weak minded is actually going to do anything? how does this bell have any more power than lets say a used spark plug or a shoe string?
hey are you knocking my shoe string?

some HD riders need any assistance available...... not all just some

first time I heard about g bells was from a hippy biker chick in a bike shop and thought well if there is no where to hang fluffy dice...... she was kinda into Tarot cards star signs and incense too just a bit vague for my liking, but she thought they were the real deal she rode. Suzy cruiser 250 I think????
( she ended up rear ending some car she was too close to and busted up the front end, insurance wrote it off, she'd over insured and bought a Harley with the payout. last I had heard she dropped the HD out front of her house and had to call a friend to lift it.... so the bells are working????
the next time I saw them was in Harley Heaven in Brunswick in Melbourne and I just thought "Aw No Way Harley riders aren't really buying these things are they?
and that's theONLY place I have seen them for sale

ill rely in my skill and that the cagers are paying attention and WITH LUCK both of these things happening at the same time, will mean I get to continue riding

Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner and it works every time !
I have one that was gifted to me, but I haven't been able to figure out where to put it on the FZ. Where is yours? (if you have one) thanks

Mines zip tied behind the header to the radiator hose.

IMHO, like any other accessory /farkle you put on your bike, its personal preference.

If you don't like it don't put it on... I figure it can't hurt.

And most importantly, +1 on your riding skills/practice/using your noggin(defensive riding-expect the un-expected) and of course keeping your bike in top mechanical condition... :thumbup:
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I figure it can not hurt.... Things we see in our everyday life's are done because of legends and myths so I see no harm in putting a bell on my bike. Just like a lot of hotels and buildings do not label the 13th floor.

My mom got it for me... and i put it on just to satisfy her because she wouldnt stop nagging till i put it. (yes I'm a big boy, I'm 26, have my own life, my own job, etc, etc, but no matter how old you are, it pays to keep mom happy) Side note: My mom and her husband own a Goldwing... Trike... ya know the whole get up with teddy bears, and other random crap hanging off of it.

So there's the bell.. hanging off of my center stand... 1 year and 12,000 miles later, its still there.. I want to remove it, but if something happened after I did, all I would ever hear from my mom is "I told you so!!"

So theres my bell story, laugh it up boys!
Mine came on my bike. I low sided (by being an idiot) with the bell on my bike. :thumbup:

I might want to believe a lot of things, but without proof that the bell does something, I just don't believe that it does.

Having said that, I don't think the presence of the bell changes the underlying physics that govern anything I do on my bike, except by changing its total weight by a few ounces and adding a swingy thing, so in some sense there's physical evidence that it most definitely does not do anything.