Do you ever give your left hand a break?

I will rest my hand(s) when needed. The few seconds it takes to get the blood back to my fingers is safer than numb fingers during a panic situation. I will also stand up to help get the leg muscles stretched out after riding awhile. Pulling up to a stop light after many hours on the road is not the place to find out your legs are numb, and you can't feel the ground.:eek: I almost tipped over because of numb legs.Standing up makes the cagers freak out, 9 times out of 10, they will keep a much safer distance after my stretch out routine.:D
I typically ride in a Captain Morgan pose with my left leg out and hand resting on thigh. This not only looks goofy but allows massive airflow to the crotchal regions. I do this mainly for back issues, not wrist pain. :squid:
A sick minded person could take the title of this post in a very wrong way. Anyways, I hardly every give my left hand a break, at least not with the FZ6. I hardly put that much weight on my hands anyways so never really felt like I had to.
I often do it on longer rides, but it's not to rest my hand. It's the change in overall body position that I'm looking for ... I sit up in a more vertical position for a few minutes this way.
Do you ever give your left hand a break?

Had to make sure this wasn't a thread in the bar section at first.

Mind in the gutter.

As far as riding one handed on the bike. Yes I do it all the time.
Yes, I'm guilty of resting my left hand. Heck, I've put my left forearm on the tank on a long straight away. Haven't fallen asleep yet?

Speaking of resting, I talked to this guy that had a Honda Goldwing. He would be riding by himself on the interstate basically laying in the passenger seat with no hands on the wheel and cruising. He was totally serious. Now, that's nuts!!!!!!!