Deals Gap and other roads


Flaming Hot Doughnut
Elite Member
Mar 27, 2011
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Maynardville, TN
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Kinda short notice right now, but I'm planning to hit Deals Gap and other roads Sept 2-4. Planning to ride out to a campground, not sure which yet, on the 2nd. Ride the roads all day on the 3rd, maybe do a little fishing as well, and head back home on the 4th. If anybody was planing to be out there these days, give me a shout!
Not too pretty but it works! 2/3 of the way there no problems with this setup lol.

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Hey randomchaos. I was just recently there. Me and my buddy stayed at a campsite off County Rd. 1147. Right on Santeetlah Lake. There was a big rock where you could jump into the lake. And at night the sun would set right over the mountains as you look across the lake. Not sure how familiar with the area you are, but if you look on google maps search for Santeetlah Point and it is a little less then 1000ft north of Santeetlah point. There is a road heading in and then a big loop where the campgrounds are located. Here is a pic from the campsite.

I want to go back! Have fun.
It was really cool waking up in the morning to that view. Only downside is hard ground though.. Also, if you have never been on River Rd, definitely ride it! It is off of Cherohala Skyway near the eastern end (so closer to where you are camping tonight). The views are incredible and there are lots of twisties (like ever other road out there). There is a huge waterfall on that road, too. Oh ya and I heard there are lots of cops on the dragon during the weekend..just a heads up. Thanks for bringin back lots of good memories haha.
Yea there were a few cops on the dragon, not too bad though. Wasn't too awful congested either. Ran a good pace, had the tires peeling a bit =). Left after my first pass through. Cruiser went down, looked to be hurting pretty bad, so was gonna take a bit to clean up. Also would get the cops out there a bit more. Sitting in robbinsville atm, about to head to cherokee then Gatlinburg to see my family, then back to the campground for the nite. Only bad thing about this campground is the noise. Its completely full, and there were kids running around and screaming all night =\. Good trip so far though! 140 miles on the clock for the day.

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Home safe and sound! Managed to make it in a little before noon. Raining hard right now thanks to the tropical storm. 750 miles total over 3 days, 200 miles spent on the winding mountain roads yesterday. Also did a little hiking up to one of the balds on the skyway. Good trip overall, got a little wet on the way back to the campground, and didnt make it to cherokee like originally planned. Just means I need to make another trip back soon!

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