Critters Messing with your bike?


Old but still riding
Dec 8, 2010
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North Alabama
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I was just reading a blog by macvicar;)
Where chipmunks were giving him fits But I'll leave that one to him to tell:thumbup:
Is any one else had trouble with critters building nests and such:eek:
Here in Alabama we have mud dabbers, which is a wasp looking bug that kills spiders and then fills any small bolt hole or carburetter hole with the spiders then lays eggs on them [the spiders are not dead] and cover the hole with mud.
Had a wasp hive in the fairing, when I pulled it off the first time.. luckily it was empty.
I found one of these critters messing with my bike. It had such a sweet smile! How could I get mad? :BLAA:
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I found on of these critters messing with my bike. It had such a sweet smile! How could I get mad? :BLAA:

I wondered who that was on the back of your bike.
I thought he was a happy motor cycle rider,you know bugs in teeth and all,
BUT I think the green teeth just come natural:eek:
Just yellowjackets. I always seem to have a few smooshed against the front of my bike, pants, shoulders and helmet. According to someone on this board, from about four years ago, swarming insects release some kind of pheromone when they're smooshed, a defense mechanism for the swarm, and live ones sure get excited when they smell that. :eek:

My 1971 Rustang, on the other hand... finally sold it to a junkyard and I opened the trunk to retrieve my jumper cables, and momma squirrel, the baby squirrels, and Botch all had to change their underwear after that introduction.
I've had squirrels eat the seat of my snowmobile before. Now everything is stored indoors:thumbup: