Craigslist Ad - HILARIOUS!

I am integrated with the internet quite well. I have seen the same "real ad" being reposted on dozens of forums.

I don't have a problem that it's anti Obama or even if it would be anti-Romney.

What I do have a problem is with the fact that the joke is just lame to me. I mean come on. It's so obvious after the first sentence. Then it just tacks on more bs to make it funnier. Just doesn't work for me.

Another problem I have with it is that the person who wrote it seems actually serious about it.

That's what bothers me the most. The fact that good old fashion debate on political issues is dead in this country. It's about who ever shouts louder keywords such as socialism, wealth redistribution, He's an Islamist terrorist born in Kenya etc or it's all 1%-ters fault.

It's just sad really.
EDIT: Can we focus on bikes and leave politics/religion at the door? I like this forum. It's like a happy motorcycle land where there is this vast depth of membership across so many countries/etc. Everyone is friendly and pretty awesome. It's a cross-demographic and very effective/accessible resource that is somewhat rare in internet land.

Politics and religion do not exist here.

Why do people keep reminding us that they do? We need neither to do what we do here.

Agreed! I love that there aren't those threads here, and they go nowhere fast. And to say "It's just a hilarious joke! Don't respond!" isn't fair. :p And it certainly isn't a good way to open up a fair discussion, which I actually enjoy, instead of flame-fests, which usually result.
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I agree about the lesser of two evils. But regardless, its the way things are going to be this November. Albeit, I can still find humor in the CL ad. With all due respect to you and your political standpoint, if you're going to get offended, why not just hit the back button and stop reading, rather than blatantly calling something lame that was posted with no intention of being taken seriously.

Stopped reading right there. Too obvious.

Not really funny. Pretty lame.

You want something hilarious?

It's our political system that produces two presidential candidates and we the people have to choose the lesser of two evils.

No change. No choice.

Same **** different toilet.

Sad reality.

Some people just take themselves far too seriously.

If you can't laugh about it, then a poor, sorry soul are you.

Republicans, Democrats, Labour, Liberal, National - they all offer variations of the same tripe - and to pretend any differently, is just fooling oneself.

They all have a budget that will only allow them to do so much, and nowhere near enough, they all have an opposition shouting them down in parliament, for no other good reason than the opposition didn't think of it first etc.

Some of you just need to lighten up - seriously.

A forum is social by definition, I don't see anything wrong with some off topic banter, political or otherwise. If you are so easily insulted, close your eyes, don't force everyone else to suit your sensitivities. :ban:
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A forum is social by definition, I don't see anything wrong with some off topic banter, political or otherwise. If you are so easily insulted, close your eyes, don't force everyone else to suit your sensitivities. :ban:

I am not offended in one last bit.

I just find the joke to be lame. As simple as that.