Craigslist Ad - HILARIOUS!


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Mar 26, 2012
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Commerce, Ga
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So I had to share this with you guys...I dont normally forward or post these kinda things, but this needs to be seen.

"SOON we'll find a buyer !



Fifty-year old manure spreader. Not sure of brand. Said to have been produced in Kenya . Used for a few years in Indonesia before being smuggled into the US via Hawaii . Of questionable pedigree. Does not appear to have ever been worked hard.. Apparently, it was pampered by various owners over the years. It doesn't work very often, but when it does it can sling **** for amazing distances. I am hoping to retire the manure spreader this November. I really don't want it hanging around getting in the way. I would prefer a foreign buyer to relocate the manure spreader out of the country. I would be willing to trade it for a nicely framed copy of the United States Constitution.

Location: Currently being stored in a big white house in Washington , D.C. "

Please don't turn this into a political debate. It's strictly just for viewing and humorous pleasure. If your offended....well lighten up!
Its funny, until you realize that person is serious...and the competition who they probably are in favor of openly admitted they give a rats @ss for half of Americans...
So I had to share this with you guys...I dont normally forward or post these kinda things, but this needs to be seen.

"SOON we'll find a buyer !



Fifty-year old manure spreader. Not sure of brand. Said to have been produced in Kenya . Used for a few years in Indonesia before being smuggled into the US via Hawaii . Of questionable pedigree. Does not appear to have ever been worked hard.. Apparently, it was pampered by various owners over the years. It doesn't work very often, but when it does it can sling **** for amazing distances. I am hoping to retire the manure spreader this November. I really don't want it hanging around getting in the way. I would prefer a foreign buyer to relocate the manure spreader out of the country. I would be willing to trade it for a nicely framed copy of the United States Constitution.

Location: Currently being stored in a big white house in Washington , D.C. "

Please don't turn this into a political debate. It's strictly just for viewing and humorous pleasure. If your offended....well lighten up!

Stopped reading right there. Too obvious.

Not really funny. Pretty lame.

You want something hilarious?

It's our political system that produces two presidential candidates and we the people have to choose the lesser of two evils.

No change. No choice.

Same **** different toilet.

Sad reality.
Stopped reading right there. Too obvious.

Not really funny. Pretty lame.

You want something hilarious?

It's our political system that produces two presidential candidates and we the people have to choose the lesser of two evils.

No change. No choice.

Same **** different toilet.

Sad reality.

I agree about the lesser of two evils. But regardless, its the way things are going to be this November. Albeit, I can still find humor in the CL ad. With all due respect to you and your political standpoint, if you're going to get offended, why not just hit the back button and stop reading, rather than blatantly calling something lame that was posted with no intention of being taken seriously.
Please don't turn this into a political debate. It's strictly just for viewing and humorous pleasure. If your offended....well lighten up!

It's too late, you can't expect someone NOT to chime in when these things are spread around Facebook and my parents' email chains like wildfire. They aren't always as funny to others as they are to you. ;)
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why not just hit the back button and stop reading

That's what I did.

All politicians are mongrels for the most part. You have to be. You would be a terrible politician otherwise.

But it is pretty much impossible to bring up any mongrel in any maner without having some kind of useless discourse that leads nowhere and inflames someone for some reason or another.

If this was something that was going to offend, was it really necessary to post it at all? Was the comedic contribution so great? I'm not going to weigh in on that because I don't really care all that much. It's just another random editorial in a world full of them.

Still, I don't get why people feel the need to post them at all. Why aggravate some people for no reason? We come here to yammer on about bikes. Not to have people we disagree with gently pushing material towards us which annoys us. Not saying any of this has to do with this thread really. Just saying....this is a motorcycling forum...

I attribute this to the fact that these people may not be very "integrated" with the internet. Lol. If this is the only board some people are on, I can see why they would share some random political commentary of relatively modest comedic value on what is a motorcycle forum.

The members that are on multiple boards and social media sites usually come here for a respite from the political/religious/racial/etc stuff. Seriously, it gets tiring. The internet can be annoying sometimes.

EDIT: Can we focus on bikes and leave politics/religion at the door? I like this forum. It's like a happy motorcycle land where there is this vast depth of membership across so many countries/etc. Everyone is friendly and pretty awesome. It's a cross-demographic and very effective/accessible resource that is somewhat rare in internet land.

Politics and religion do not exist here.

Why do people keep reminding us that they do? We need neither to do what we do here.
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I attribute this to the fact that these people may not be very "integrated" with the internet. Lol. If this is the only board some people are on, I can see why they would share some random political commentary of relatively modest comedic value on what is a motorcycle forum.

I agree with this. But. The "Bar" section is for those who do not wish to discuss motorcycles at the time.

You have to have thick skin to read topics in the "off topic" sections because anything goes.
I agree with this. But. The "Bar" section is for those who do not wish to discuss motorcycles at the time.

You have to have thick skin to read topics in the "off topic" sections because anything goes.

Yeah I've got very thick skin. Lol, that's not the issue.

I edited my post and added something you may have missed at the end there that sort of addresses what you said.

The Bar is for exactly that yes. But politics and that sort of stuff is still against the rules there as it is in any subforum.

Just because it's the bar doesn't mean the forum rules don't really apply there.
Yeah I've got very thick skin. Lol, that's not the issue.

I edited my post and added something you may have missed at the end there that sort of addresses what you said.

The Bar is for exactly that yes. But politics and that sort of stuff is still against the rules there as it is in any subforum.

Just because it's the bar doesn't mean the forum rules don't really apply there. is the attempted sale of a piece of farm equipment, political? :BLAA: :D
All politicians are mongrels for the most part. You have to be. You would be a terrible politician otherwise.
Sad but true...

If this was something that was going to offend, was it really necessary to post it at all? Was the comedic contribution so great? I'm not going to weigh in on that because I don't really care all that much. It's just another random editorial in a world full of them.

I personally don't see anything offensive about it. I found it humorous, and thought I would share for others to get a chuckle out of it. Judging by the thanks, it seems more people enjoyed rather than were annoyed by it...

Still, I don't get why people feel the need to post them at all. Why aggravate some people for no reason? We come here to yammer on about bikes. Not to have people we disagree with gently pushing material towards us which annoys us. Not saying any of this has to do with this thread really. Just saying....this is a motorcycling forum...

Thats why I posted it in "The Bar" - Pull up a stool. This is an open forum where you can discuss whatever you wish.

The members that are on multiple boards and social media sites usually come here for a respite from the political/religious/racial/etc stuff. Seriously, it gets tiring. The iternet can be annoying sometimes.

Can we focus on bikes and leave politics at the door?

I'd say I'm pretty integrated, and on multiple parts of the internet...This didnt seem like a common post that was floating around, and I appreciated the satirical aspect of the joke. It wasn't a debate or promotion for anything, just sarcastic humor.

For what it's worth, I've learned my lesson and this will be my first and last political post, regardless of how funny I think they are...
I see what your saying about the rules but the original post was more or less a political joke, no opinions about anything were stated. The following comments however did get more into politics, even though it was a joke. Some jokes are offensive to some people but no one forced anyone to read it, and being that this is the bar I personally don't see any issue with a post not being about motorcycles or riding, that's what the bar is for.

However, I don't really see this getting any better as far as people leaving politics out of it and just taking it for what it is, a joke, so maybe it should be locked before it gets out of hand. No offense Athens, I personally thinks its hilarious but not everyone sees it that way, and this year more than ever things can get heated real quick regarding anything in DC
Yeah I've got very thick skin. Lol, that's not the issue.

I edited my post and added something you may have missed at the end there that sort of addresses what you said.

The Bar is for exactly that yes. But politics and that sort of stuff is still against the rules there as it is in any subforum.

Just because it's the bar doesn't mean the forum rules don't really apply there.

You have a point about the rules. I knew it was a fine line just because of subject matter. Honestly, when I first read it, I didn't see it as "political." I guess because it doesnt deal with views or standpoints or anything, it's more of just a joke of a certain famous person who happens to be in politics haha. As originally posted, there was never any intent of offending anyone or about making the joke about politics.

All this being said, before anyone's feelings are hurt, or the "fine" line gets crossed, I think I'm going to look into how to closing or deleting a thread. Never done this before, any instructions?
I see what your saying about the rules but the original post was more or less a political joke, no opinions about anything were stated. The following comments however did get more into politics, even though it was a joke. Some jokes are offensive to some people but no one forced anyone to read it, and being that this is the bar I personally don't see any issue with a post not being about motorcycles or riding, that's what the bar is for.

However, I don't really see this getting any better as far as people leaving politics out of it and just taking it for what it is, a joke, so maybe it should be locked before it gets out of hand. No offense Athens, I personally thinks its hilarious but not everyone sees it that way, and this year more than ever things can get heated real quick regarding anything in DC

Woah I was typing my next post as you entered this. We basically said the same thing haha.