Computer Backdrop. post your screen shots!

Cessna Citation X on my quad-monitor workstation at work (yeah, all 4 of them the same)

Mooney Acclaim's nose on my laptop. :BLAA:
I always use my own photos.

This is my current one, the infamous 4-way intersection of Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan, a picture is great, but very cool in person.

I was using this one, a pic of me and some fellow Ford Focus owners.
Cessna Citation X

The sexiest lookiing jet known to mankind in my opionion. I just fall in love with that jet everytime I see it at work. We're even next door to the LAS General Dynamics Service Center so I see my fare share of G4's, G5's and the 550's. But the X is my favorite. Not sure how they compare as I'm not too familiar with fixed wings.

I wish I could go fly in one. She's beautiful.
