Colorado shooting....

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For once no one is actually arguing lol. I think we have been able to have a good debate over gun policies and what could help in a situation like this.
Indeed. It may sound like idle talk at times, but anything that has ever happened started with talk.

Heck, the concept of the USA itself as a nation was nothing more than idle talk at some point.

Continuous forward progress of progressive thinking.


This message has been approved by People For a Safer World™.
Ok. 3 out of 5 people in the theatre are packing. They are law abiding citizens, but without proper and extensive training on how to use them to shoot ACTUAL PEOPLE if the situation arises, that's a bit of a volatile situation wouldn't you say?

In this situation yes, or any situation similar, any closed dark crowded room it could get real sketchy real fast. And yes I completely agree that they should offer or maybe even make it mandatory for CCW holders or applicants to go through more training. That would be probably the only tougher gun law that I could agree on.

Prison menu for Mr. Holmes:


Pitcher of chilled Arrowhead Spring Water

Freshly squeezed Orange Juice

Fresh ground Starbucks coffee (available also in decaf)

Fresh fruit (cantelope, grapefruit, Honeydew melon) depending on availability

Eggs Benedict (two toasted muffins halves topped with ham, poached egg and Hollandaise sauce)

Four ounce patty of Jimmy Dean sausage

Choice of cereal (Kellogs Corn Flakes, Frosted Flakes, Raisin Bran, or Special K) with milk

Copy of USA Today newspaper
Too easy...imo this situation was a non starter for any responsible ccw holder. Would have escalated the body count for sure. Nothing about this scenario except a timely exit would have helped. Had someone drawn they more than likely would have been identified as the 2nd shooter and then what. I strongly agree that gun control is hitting your properly identified target. That said we definately need to radically improve the requirements to have ccw. Also if comes that to it that I MUST carry to go the movies....I'm outa here.

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Prison menu for Mr. Holmes:


Pitcher of chilled Arrowhead Spring Water

Freshly squeezed Orange Juice

Fresh ground Starbucks coffee (available also in decaf)

Fresh fruit (cantelope, grapefruit, Honeydew melon) depending on availability

Eggs Benedict (two toasted muffins halves topped with ham, poached egg and Hollandaise sauce)

Four ounce patty of Jimmy Dean sausage

Choice of cereal (Kellogs Corn Flakes, Frosted Flakes, Raisin Bran, or Special K) with milk

Copy of USA Today newspaper

You forgot prison rape right after breakfast.
Yeah exactly, how easy is it in some places to get a CCW?

Lots of places its no harder to get a permit than it is to buy a pistol, they just make you wait longer to get it though. And in lots of places the only thing they do for you to buy a pistol is a background check.
FinalImpact, you just don't understand. The shooter, himself, is possibly a "victim." We have to examine his homelife, the "cause" for his irrational behavior. With enough counseling (and attorney fees) we can strive to eliminate this kind of aberrant behavior with future individuals. Furthermore, we need now to have a long, drawn out (with appeals) jury trial at taxpayer expense to get to the bottom of this. Also, there needs to be a change of venue because the media attention has already "contaminated" the local jury pool. Was the "alleged" perpetrator advised of his Miranda rights? There are so many unanswered questions. I'm so glad that he didn't shoot himself because now society can study "where we went wrong."

Sorry Tailgate I have to disagree with you here. The "twinkie" defense? He wet the bed until he was 15, his mother didn't breast feed him long enough, he was spanked much too often, he was able to play too many violent video games? When does society quit looking for excuses for abhorrent behavior and come to terms with the fact that there is just evil in this world without trying to find an excuse to blame someone else? He was clearly "normal" enough to finish college and be on his way to a post graduate PhD degree. As for the CCW debate....well, unless you were there and and had reacted to the situation, it's all speculation on what a different outcome may have been.
The idea that stricter gun laws would prevent tragedies as yesterday is ridiculous! The perpetrator of this crime bought all his guns legally. He did so in a way of not sending up red flags from authorities. There is a notion that criminals are stupid. This man was not stupid, deranged but not stupid. You make the laws more strict this man would have still acquired his arsenal. You can't stop a motivated nut job that wants to do this with laws! There is no blueprint to stop this and making it harder and more expensive for the ordinary citizen to arm themselves will do little or nothing to prevent these senseless acts. I hope he gets a long list of sexual predators to keep him company while he is in prison. I support the right to conceal carry. We just got this right here in Wisconsin and I plan on getting licensed. I rarely will carry a handgun but if I chose I want the ability. Great thread with some great opinions. Nice to see members of this forum can have a smart debate without name calling and other childish behavior.
Sorry Tailgate I have to disagree with you here. The "twinkie" defense? He wet the bed until he was 15, his mother didn't breast feed him long enough, he was spanked much too often, he was able to play too many violent video games? When does society quit looking for excuses for abhorrent behavior and come to terms with the fact that there is just evil in this world without trying to find an excuse to blame someone else? He was clearly "normal" enough to finish college and be on his way to a post graduate PhD degree. As for the CCW debate....well, unless you were there and and had reacted to the situation, it's all speculation on what a different outcome may have been.

I need to work on my sarcasm---Tailgate
Like I said, I wouldn't fire and if your not sopposed to have guns in theaters inCO anyway. And I am trained.
A deterrent is the best way. Whether it be a stiff sentence or knowing that the whole room is packing.
People are still going to dumb****. Just wish Noone was injured, Are they now saying he had a ballistic vest and helmet on to?

Lone soldier its cool. Just remember there is a difference between disagreeing with someone and blantanly saying that what they. Believe in is wrong. That's how I took it, but freedom of speech is a great thing even though it isn't fee.
The people who shouldn't have guns are going to get them illegally anyways. Stricter gun control only takes guns away from the honest people.
This argument doe's not hold validity, and is repeatedly rolled out by the gun lobby.
According to the current legislation James Holmes fits the bill for your so called Honest person.

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” ― Benjamin Franklin, Memoirs of the life & writings of Benjamin Franklin
Coming from experience, the worst is yet to come for the families of the victims and the survivors.

Because the shooter did not take his own life or was not killed by law enforcement, there is going to be a very lengthy trial. It will be very detailed and graphic with photographs and expert testimonies from doctors and the medical examiner. The families will have to relive this entire nightmare again but with further graphic detail while looking into the face of the shooter eye to eye.
I don't normally get involved with the gun debates and the "Right to bare arms" issues.
But seriously WTF do you think you are going to do in a dark movie theater with CS gas in your eyes, among a stampede of escaping people.


Son you are clueless....
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In this case you are probably 100% right if someone was a cc holder and carrying there is probably nothing that could have been done, but then again you never know.

Here let me lay it out for you...if i was in that situation this is what would happen....

I would continuously return fire until one of the following things happen...I was dead...I ran out of ammo (15-45rd depend on occasion)...or the SOB was stopped...

How would I be able to accomplish this you ask...practice...just like riding motorcyles...practice...

I'm not LE but I am more practiced than 98% of LE...the other 2% being swat as they practice everday for a living...I practice 4-6 times a month...

The above statement does imply I can out shoot 98% of who's more able to handle a situation like that...a well practiced armed citizen or your average beat cop?...i'm sure you can figure out who i think is....
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Here let me lay it out for you...if i was in that situation this is what would happen....

I would continuously return fire until one of the following things happen...I was dead...I ran out of ammo (15-45rd depend on occasion)...or the SOB was stopped...

How would I be able to accomplish this you ask...practice...just like riding motorcyles...practice...

I'm not LE but I am more practiced than 98% of LE...the other 2% being swat as they practice everday for a living...I practice 4-6 times a month...

The above statement does imply I can out shoot 98% of who's more able to handle a situation like that...a well practiced armed citizen or your average beat cop?...i'm sure you can figure out who i think is....

Yeah because ACCURACY was the issue. It has nothing to do with decision making.

I just crashed the **** out of my motorcycle (which I have worked VERY hard at practicing for 5 years now) because of a bad split second decision. I am talking about turfing a bike. You are talking about a gunfight with OTHER PEOPLE'S CHILDREN in the crossfire.

Put the beer down son. You're making a fool of yourself.

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