Clutch cable

You are going to want to replace it ASAP. I had a frayed clutch cable on my last bike which ended up failing. From the moment I noticed it was fraying to it hanging on by a strand was about 20 minutes of careful clutch use. Do you have aftermarket levers by any chance? That turned out to be the culprit on my Ninja. The previous owner put on some cheap replacement for the stockers which caused excess wear. I had two cables break within three months of each other before I realized that was causing it.
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I have the stock levers but the clutch lever seems to have some up and down play in it. May be time for a new one.
I just changed mine out last week after 74,000 miles with the stock cable. Not a single sign of wear or fray, but it got to a point that I could not adjust the cable anymore using the knob near the levers. I had zero free play, my friction zone was immediate. Only way to adjust it was to get to the 2nd adjuster buried underneath the bike. It was a big PIA. Remove part of fairing, tank, battery and air box. Not going to do that for nothing. Replaced with another stock cable from Yamaha. $30, Okay good for another 75k.
I had simular problem on my first FZ6, the lever used to to the point where it was nearly impossible to use the clutch. Got to say the muscles in my left arm where huge lol. I got through about 3 clutch cables in the 18 month of owning the bike, i fitted the 3rd and final myself and routed it differenty as Yamaha told me that the clutch cable was a design fault on the S1 and it used to cause friction and expand the cable inside the sleeve. so i was told. i never had a problem after finding a more free flowing path.

Hope that helps

Besides keeping the new cable serviced, put a small dab of grease on the cylindrical end where it inserts into the lever.

There should be a small plastic piece that goes over the cylindrical end. If yours is missing, you should be able to make one out of a plastic milk bottle or something similar. I don't don't know for certain but it may help keep the steel cable from rubbing up against the lever itself (causing the fraying).

Also, I removed the retainer (in the center of the cable, inbetween the air box and frame- about where the center adjuster is) so removal of the cable/adjustment of the center adjuster is much easier. With that "retainer" removed, I can R&R the cable pulling it out from the bottom WITHOUT removing the tank/air filter or anything else..

Its been that way for about 2 years now. Makes servicing the cable easier as well. Its fairly tight in there, its not going anywhere..