China VMAX killa + Magnificent China vac *pics*


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Aug 10, 2008
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Los Angeles
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The family just return from a couple of weeks of journey into China. It was much more splendid than I ever expected. We started in capital Beijing, Xi'an to see terrra cotta warriors, Gullin (city of lights) and cruised on Li River to Yangshuo. Lastly the mecca of China, Shanghai and a town called Shuzou, known as the Venice of the east. After China, we spent a few days in Manila with relatives.

Bikes, bikes and more bikes. Motorcycles, scooters, electric bicycles and good ol' peddle bikes EVERYWHERE! With that traffic, I'd never dare to ride there. And I thought Los Angeles was bad. Here's their version of VMAX. You can buy any of the color as long as red and black.... LOL.


I took literally thousands of pictures. Here are a few highlights - the short version. Too many pictures to post so click on the picture or link for slideshow.

Sit back, relax and hope you enjoy the splendor of China.

Picasa Web Albums - China Trip

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Great pictures and composition! You've got skiltz. I take my hat off to you. :thumbup:

My parents just got back from China too and can't wait to see the pictures they took.
Thank you! I highly recommend the trip as a vacation. The culture and the country is changing so fast that in a couple of years it probably won't be the same.

2008's summer olympics was their coming out party at the capital of Beijing. Now they're getting ready for 2010 world expo in Shanghai. Can't wait to see the spectacles of that event.