Channel 9 Australia's gift to the world


A Member
May 18, 2008
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Qld, Australia
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I have just read on the news Channel 9 Australia has cancelled that truly awful copy of a brilliant show, Top Gear Australia :cheer::cheer::cheer:

On behalf of Channel 9 Australia (who I must point out I do not work for), I apologise to all those peoples of other nations who have had the unfortunate pleasure of seeing Australian TV at its worst (other than Home & Away and Neighbours).
Good idea at the time.... Actually, no it wasn't. You can never copy a great show like Top Gear UK. It's not the name, it's the people and their own personal way of doing things. I think I watched the first 2 episodes of the first series, then that was it.
I have just read on the news Channel 9 Australia has cancelled that truly awful copy of a brilliant show, Top Gear Australia :cheer::cheer::cheer:

On behalf of Channel 9 Australia (who I must point out I do not work for), I apologise to all those peoples of other nations who have had the unfortunate pleasure of seeing Australian TV at its worst (other than Home & Away and Neighbours).

Hey! I watched Home and Away AND Neighbours in about 1986!:eek:
You think that's bad? Try watching any of the truly putrid "The Real Housewives of XXXXX [insert major American city here]" on the America cable network, Bravo.

Seriously it makes me want to beat all of the people involved with those shows - the people/actors, the producers, etc.

I switch it off or complain obnoxiously if I catch my wife watching these atrocious abominations. Like there aren't enough petty, catty b****es (men and women alike), or enough personal drama, in the world already, without us having to be subjected to a bunch of rich white women complaining about their privileged lives.

Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled programming. :)
They did what ?? :eek: :eek: :eek: After I finally enjoyed one single episode :D........ Ohh well good riddance :rockon:

I did actually enjoy it the other night when they were trying to kill the Chery & failed :D
It dissapointed me that they didn't kill that Chery.

How long do you think it would have lasted with Jez, Jimmy & the Hampster?????

I'd bet on less than 3 hours :D
I have just read on the news Channel 9 Australia has cancelled that truly awful copy of a brilliant show, Top Gear Australia :cheer::cheer::cheer:

On behalf of Channel 9 Australia (who I must point out I do not work for), I apologise to all those peoples of other nations who have had the unfortunate pleasure of seeing Australian TV at its worst (other than Home & Away and Neighbours).
Any links, so I can see how terrible it is?
