Catalina Grand Prix!

dude, i cant believe you havent been out there yet, catalina is great! i saw this too, definitely want to go. they also just put in a new zipline there too. I am planning on going there this weekend probably actually, will let you know how it is.

there's a beach "club" there that you can have drinks right on the beach just gotta pay a buck to get a "one day membership". crystal clear water out there too...
Heh every time I read Catalina I think of the movie "On Any Sunday II"

For those that haven't seen it there is a clip from the Catalina Grand Prix of, I think, 1955. One shot shows a Japanese rider and the commentator says "here's something new, a YaMAha (emphasis on the second syllable) made in Japan by a piano company! By the looks of it they should stick to making pianos!"

Later in the clip the Yammie dies and the commentator says "It's too bad for our Japanese friend. That'll probably be the last YaMAha they send over here!"

Famous last words :spank:

Edit: it was 1957 and I found the clip, it starts at 4:30 but watch the whole thing!

[ame=""]YouTube- On Any Sunday II - Part 2[/ame]
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