Can I park here? CA Motorcycle laws


Junior Member
Jul 12, 2011
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San Diego
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I live near the beach and every spot is always taken. Some motorcycles brave the streets and are either stolen or knocked over by people who cant parrallel park. My car has already been hit twice by people who cant park......

Anyways i have a garage that i store my bike in but it gets blocked in by the roomies car who is always taking her keys with her when she goes places :spank: So once its nice and the rain is gone here i want to park where i can easily get the bike out. I will cover it and lock it up every night.

There is a perfect spot in front of our house that doesnt block the sidewalk and is off the street away idiot drivers. Here is the pic, what do you guys think? Will i get a ticket??

I wouldn't. Would you not get a driving on sidewalk ticket? I would also be paranoid about jokers walking by and tree pieces falling.
Without having seen a picture of the front of the garage, I would think it would be easier to ask the roommate to either park a few feet back from the garage or move over just a little bit in order for you to have room to get in and out.

Since I've had my FZ6 (5 years), I've lived in an apartment without a garage and now live in a house WITH a garage. I know I feel much better parking my bike safely and securely in the garage and never having to worry about some knucklehead trying to be cute and messing with it.

I can't imagine having a garage and NOT parking my bike in it. I would definitely approach the roommate (gently and nicely) and see if you guys can work a parking strategy out that works for everyone. :thumbup:
This came up on another forum, with people saying you'd get ticketed for sure. That hasn't been my experience, at least around Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky. I see bikes parked on sidewalks all the time and no one seems to mind. Obviously they're out of the way.

Lots of these are around bike shops or bars, but you see them other places as well. A thin pedestrian sidewalk blocked by a bike is one thing, but if its out of the way like that I think you'd be fine. The easy way to find out is to just ask a cop, but then you risk bringing their attention to it when they might just not notice. Maybe they don't like it in Cali but like I said, never seen anyone get a ticket here. I see scooters parked at bicycle racks on sidewalks as well, but I thought my 250 would be a bit too big to try to pull that off.


the humanity!!!!:shakehead: found this in my phone photos

edit: for a good excuse, get a chain and chain it to the tree. Then it's for parking and security.
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Well the problem is we have a four car garage that is split in half and shared with another house behind us. So i asked my roomie to park close to the wall which helps but the other people who live in the other house could care less and park where ever, which is their right. So there isnt enough room for me to squeeze in between.

I may end up asking her for a spare key and just moving it myself every time i park LOL.
This came up on another forum, with people saying you'd get ticketed for sure. That hasn't been my experience, at least around Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky. I see bikes parked on sidewalks all the time and no one seems to mind. Obviously they're out of the way.

Lots of these are around bike shops or bars, but you see them other places as well. A thin pedestrian sidewalk blocked by a bike is one thing, but if its out of the way like that I think you'd be fine. The easy way to find out is to just ask a cop, but then you risk bringing their attention to it when they might just not notice. Maybe they don't like it in Cali but like I said, never seen anyone get a ticket here. I see scooters parked at bicycle racks on sidewalks as well, but I thought my 250 would be a bit too big to try to pull that off.

the humanity!!!!:shakehead: found this in my phone photos

edit: for a good excuse, get a chain and chain it to the tree. Then it's for parking and security.

Yea exactly, i see this all the time and i dont think they get tickets but im not around all day so im not sure lol. I guess i could just do it and if i get a $50 ticket i can just pay it and lesson learned haha