Buzz At 8,000rpm front of bike !!! Clutch Cable!! Have you had the same problem ???

I have a buzz on my bike. I had a friend check out the engine while I was holding a steady 3k rpm, and he couldn't pinpoint the buzz. It's annoying for sure, but doesn't affect performance and with a set of foamies in I can't hear it. I would like to fix it, but I'm not about to tear the bike apart looking for a phantom buzz I'm not even sure can be fixed.
On my bike the clutch lever is the problem. As the slack (free play) of the clutch cable gets bigger the leverstarts to vibrate a lot at 8000 revs. Guess I'll have to live with it.
I am dropping my bike off at the dealer on Wednesday for Thursday service appointment .They and Yamaha agree that replacing the Clutch Cable should resolve the problem .. We shall see !!!! I will keep you all posted .
I will go and take pictures of the old cable and when I get the bike back Friday I will retake pictures and see if Yamaha redesigned the cable ..
Greg A.
Well, I'm relieved to see that I'm not the only one with this problem.
My bike's under extended warranty: I'm going to see what my dealer can do.
Maybe I'll print up this thread and bring it in...
Same problem here. glad everyone else hears it too. Not i know to try and ignore this damn friggin buzz!!! Have been thinking about getting cables, might be a sell to the wife now!!
I don't have the buzz but I bet the sound of the buzz will go away if you install Leovince without DB-killers :BLAA:
I have the 8k rpm buzz but mine is especially strange. It has always been there since new (I think my clutch cable got stretched from new since the adjuster has always been more than half out) I just got used to it.

Bike got knocked over on throttle side, handlebar bent up a bit, buzz got worse! Thought it must be the harmonics of the hollow bar.

Replaced with Renthal bar that is wider and flatter, buzz gone!

Decided I didn't like the bar and got a new factory one. Happy again, but buzz is back like it was originally.

Is it the clutch cable or something else???
I had a buzz in the clutch side handle and putting the lightest pressure on the lever would make it go away.
Don't really notice it with the aftermarket exhaust on however.
I've got pazzo's now so would be interested to see if they fix it.
A spacer sounds like the easiest solution.
Mine does this and it's the clutch lever rattling...right at 8k every time. I leave it because it's eaisier to grab.

ride it without helmet once and its obvious