Bored? Lets make fun of P.E.T.A.rds


wrightme43 >> Quotes From Animal Rights Activists

Heres a great one to start off.

"If a girl gets sexual pleasure from riding a horse, does the horse suffer? If not, who cares? If you French kiss your dog and he or she thinks it's great, is it wrong? We believe all exploitation and abuse is wrong. If it isn't exploitation and abuse, it may not be wrong."
-Ingrid Newkirk, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

I am already on there hate mail list, I told them I glue animals to rocks a long time ago.

Corals are animals. I glue them to rocks. They grow new animals. It spreads them in capitivity without removing a new one from the ocean. I also think they are insane. Obviously insane.
It is amazing to me how nuts people can be!! I have noticed one thing though. Peta supporters will not hesitate to throw paint on a woman who is wearing a fur coat. But have you ever heard of a Peta supporter throwing paint on a biker wearing leather? Gee, I wonder why? I believe that these are just mentally lost people who have to have a "purpose" in life. If Peta did not exist then they would belong to "Earth First", or Green Peace, or some other extremist organization. But, I have found someone with the answer!! I have a niece who lives in Austin that was raised by true Hippies. Her mother was a "flower child" from the sixties. The hippie mom had five daughters who all had different dads. The last dad is my wifes brother. Well, while visiting one of these "hippie nieces", she told me (this is a 30 year old woman) that all internal combustion engines should be eradicated from the earth. She didn't actually say it that way, but that is what she meant. I checked to make sure what she was talking about. I then asked her how would grocery stores get the food delivered to them? She said that we would no longer need grocery stores because we would grow all the food we need in our backyard gardens. I then pointed out that she lived in an apartment and had no backyard. She then said that would not be a problem because with the proper government in place we would all be given a home with a big garden.
So, see how simple the world could be? If we had a proper government we all would get a free house and garden so we wouldn't have to pollute our environment with nasty fuel burning vehicles. Oh, btw she drives a mid-size SUV. But, according to her, it is OK for her to drive that kind of vehicle because she needs it for her business. But, everyone else shouldn't have one of those gas drinking SUV's.

It is people with logic like that who belong to organizations like PETA.:banghead:
It is amazing to me how nuts people can be!! I have noticed one thing though. Peta supporters will not hesitate to throw paint on a woman who is wearing a fur coat. But have you ever heard of a Peta supporter throwing paint on a biker wearing leather? Gee, I wonder why? I believe that these are just mentally lost people who have to have a "purpose" in life. If Peta did not exist then they would belong to "Earth First", or Green Peace, or some other extremist organization. But, I have found someone with the answer!! I have a niece who lives in Austin that was raised by true Hippies. Her mother was a "flower child" from the sixties. The hippie mom had five daughters who all had different dads. The last dad is my wifes brother. Well, while visiting one of these "hippie nieces", she told me (this is a 30 year old woman) that all internal combustion engines should be eradicated from the earth. She didn't actually say it that way, but that is what she meant. I checked to make sure what she was talking about. I then asked her how would grocery stores get the food delivered to them? She said that we would no longer need grocery stores because we would grow all the food we need in our backyard gardens. I then pointed out that she lived in an apartment and had no backyard. She then said that would not be a problem because with the proper government in place we would all be given a home with a big garden.
So, see how simple the world could be? If we had a proper government we all would get a free house and garden so we wouldn't have to pollute our environment with nasty fuel burning vehicles. Oh, btw she drives a mid-size SUV. But, according to her, it is OK for her to drive that kind of vehicle because she needs it for her business. But, everyone else shouldn't have one of those gas drinking SUV's.

It is people with logic like that who belong to organizations like PETA.:banghead:
Mate I Fu@king despise people like that. It must be the area, My sister-in-law (lives nr Austin) once gave me a lecture on how green she was. Due to the fact that she had a couple of energy saving light bulbs. She drives a 4x4 truck that does about 15mpg. When I asked her about that she said it was ok, as it was important for every American to have the freedom of choice. Sorry in my rant I forgot to mention that this 4x4 is only used as a commute vehicle. She live less than 1/2 a mile from her place of work.
Oh now its on. LOL

Compact Flour bulbs are full of mercury. Break normal bulb in the house get a broom, break a CF and get a enviromental cleanup.
CO2 is a very poor greenhouse gas. Water vapor is a very effective greenhouse gas.
For example Miami very hot at night. Sahara desert very cold at night. Both very hot in the daytime. Oddly enough as recently as 10,000 years ago. Humans just like you and me alive and well, there was solid ice covering most of Ohio.
The planet has been so much warmer, and so much colder than today, who is to say what is normal?
Also the best forcasting in the world cant tell me if it will rain tomorrow for sure, but these same butthats can tell me what the temp is going to be 500 years from now?
Mate I Fu@king despise people like that. It must be the area, My sister-in-law (lives nr Austin) once gave me a lecture on how green she was. Due to the fact that she had a couple of energy saving light bulbs. She drives a 4x4 truck that does about 15mpg. When I asked her about that she said it was ok, as it was important for every American to have the freedom of choice. Sorry in my rant I forgot to mention that this 4x4 is only used as a commute vehicle. She live less than 1/2 a mile from her place of work.

LOL, I am glad that I am not alone in my frustration with people who come up with such absurd logic and hypocritical reasoning!!!

btw, I would still like to see a PETA member go into a biker bar and throw paint on the bikers. I just want to see what happens!!:eek::rolleyes:
I am baffled by the "greens" mentality that somehow humans are intruders on this planet. We have as much right to be here as the Spotted Owl and any other furry, feathery, scaly, whatever animal. We are not "intruding" into their habitat, we have as much right to it as animals do.
Speaking of Spotted Owls, I saw this great bumper sticker down in Oregon:-
"Next time you need toilet paper, try using a Spotted Owl". :D
hey I'm a member of p.e.t.a.!!!!

people. eating. tasty. animals. :D