Bike got knocked over today!!

One important point is... What if it had been a kid on a bicycle? She should know better to always check behind her before backing up. I say make her pay for it or she won't learn anything.:spank:
SUCKS!!!! but hey.. i think almost everyone here has had some sort of battle scar put on the bike unintentionally.. happens.. but hey, if its not all that bad and you can repair a few broken or rashed up peices, awsome.. way better than you taking a spill along with the bike... definitly would sit down the sister-in-law and a have a few words about driver safety... could have been a kid.. could have changed lanes without looking and... good luck on the fix :thumbup:
Hope you get her to pay for the repairs....
They obviously have no respect for your belongings anyway, and to me at least that means no respect for you, and alot of disrespect for your riding.
Definately make her/them pay so they learn a lesson, is the typical disgusting behaviour of people who knock over bikes and just leave it, even without a note.

If they don't go over with a baseball bat and take off one of their mirrors, then you can call it fair, or if they still don't see your point of view, you don't need to visit anymore! (perfect plan aye)
I guess I'm guilty too cuz when I back out of my garage at 6am every morning for work, I'm not actively scanning for kids/obstacles; different story during the day when I'm very careful. Since I don't know the layout of their house/driveway, I don't know if it was a place where an obstacle might possibly have been expected.

In the case that I mentioned wher my dad backed into a parked car, our driveway and garage was such that there wouldn''t have been any kiddos/obstacles any where near where he was backing up (plus it was nighttime).

Glad to see everyone else here is a "perfect" driver.
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