Best way to touch this up????

That's what I did on mine and it worked out nicely. It looks a little purple in the sun, but you really have to look to see it. I used the fattest sharpie I could find.
Just my 2 cents. Drain the oil, remove it, spray paint it with flat black, then put it back on and refill with good oil. Mission complete!
I had some colorrite touch up paint and just covered the silver parts on mine when it got scratched. You can only tell if you look real close.

Sanding and repainting, or just replacing that cover is the best thing to do.
Mine was scathed up MUCH worse than that. I didn't remove it or replace it. Just filled the scratches out being careful to keep the round flat shape were it says Yamaha. Once all but the deepest scratch was out I sanded it a little, then taped it off with masking tape and plastic bags. Then I put many coats of hot rod flat black primer on it, starting with light coats at first, and lightly sanding between most of the first coats.

Sorry I don't have a good picture of it right now. The end result came out much better than I had expected. It looks brand new again, you have to look very very close to see the seem around the edge were the paint changes. The flat black is a little flatter, but it blends very well and doesn't end up looking flat. I had planned on this just being a cheap fix until I could afford a new cover, but I have no reason or plan to replace it now. You should really give this a go if you have a little time.
I have the same issue except my scratches are worse. Thanks antijoy for your advice I will probably give this a go and see how it turns out.
Mine was scathed up MUCH worse than that. I didn't remove it or replace it. Just filled the scratches out being careful to keep the round flat shape were it says Yamaha. Once all but the deepest scratch was out I sanded it a little, then taped it off with masking tape and plastic bags. Then I put many coats of hot rod flat black primer on it, starting with light coats at first, and lightly sanding between most of the first coats.

Sorry I don't have a good picture of it right now. The end result came out much better than I had expected. It looks brand new again, you have to look very very close to see the seem around the edge were the paint changes. The flat black is a little flatter, but it blends very well and doesn't end up looking flat. I had planned on this just being a cheap fix until I could afford a new cover, but I have no reason or plan to replace it now. You should really give this a go if you have a little time.

I can't do that Sharpie Marker thing. I like your the best thus far!!!!
You don't need to drain the oil, which makes it even less of a mission to complete!

Can someone verify if u need to drain the oil OR not? (I scratched mine too, replacement is only $55...)

Service Manual suggests draining & some other pics I saw, looked like there was oil on the inside..
I would say drain the oil but I could be wrong. The gears are behind that cover so I take it there is oil in there.
Can someone verify if u need to drain the oil OR not? (I scratched mine too, replacement is only $55...)

Service Manual suggests draining & some other pics I saw, looked like there was oil on the inside..

Where did you find the replacement part? Company, part, phone number?

I had some colorrite touch up paint and just covered the silver parts on mine when it got scratched. You can only tell if you look real close.

+1. I went that route also and I even forget at times that it used to be scratched.

I wouldn't worry about it too much. Bikes and cars are going to take some scratches and damages.