Any hints for hiding scuff on black mirror plastic??

Fazrrr Girl

Junior Member
Jan 17, 2009
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South-east Melbourne, Australia
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Hypothetically speaking, if someone was daft enough to drop their bike when stopping three times in two days due to poor camping kit weight distribution, and scuffed the black plastic on a mirror, how would you recommend they hide the damage? Just speaking hypothetically here, of course....... :(
Bugs hide it well, or wear it with pride.

Or if it really bothers you get a new mirror. They are on ebay all the time.
I had a very light scuff on my mirror after my drop, and found a pencil eraser got most of it off. :thumbup:
STICKER!!! woot! :thumbup:

Or now might be a good time to try drilling some holes in it and fabing up your own custom LED mirror signals!

My vote would be just get a new/used one on da eBay.
Hypothetically speaking, if someone was daft enough to drop their bike when stopping three times in two days due to poor camping kit weight distribution, and scuffed the black plastic on a mirror, how would you recommend they hide the damage? Just speaking hypothetically here, of course....... :(

Is it smooth finish? If so you could try a plakky polish like Plexus.

It won't help much on a rough finish or deep scratches though:(.

If the mirror housing is made out of the plastic they typically use, you can use a medium scotchbrite pad and rub off the ruff scratches and smooth it out. It might not remove the scratch entirely, but it would probably look a lot nicer.
I had deep gouges in mine after lowsiding. I used sandpaper to remove them then feathered out with the rest of the mirror. I know it sounds bad, but you really can't tell until you get up pretty close.

My mirror backs are black plastic. Don't know if newer models are painted?
The problem is the texture in the plastic. I think with sandpaper you will make it glow/shine which will differ from the original plastic texture.

BR Robert