Another Stoner on Valentinos Birthday

Tweet from Rossi:

Ieri è nata la figlia di Stoner. Visto il profondo rapporto di stima reciproca che ci lega, mi aspettavo che la chiamasse Valentina.

Rough translation from Google:

Yesterday was born the daughter of Stoner. Given the close relationship of mutual respect that binds us, I expected that the name was Valentina.

:rof: I appreciate a sense of humor!
Got that right Humperdinkle! Stoner's my boy! Go Go Stoner Skills!

I always want my boy to win, but I gotta tell ya, I wish there was more competition like there used to be. I mean, HorHey is still on Casey's tail every race, and Pedrosa is near by with a few others. But where the heck is Val? When are they gonna straighten out that darn Duc? And I gota say that I miss The Sic Man. Not because I was a fan or wanted him to win, but he was getting better and better with each race. He was one of the up & commers in the competition category. Like I said, I always want Stoner to win, but it's SOOO much more exciting when there's 3, 4 or 5 racers up front pushing for the podium.

Congrats to the Stoner family.