Another reminder to wear your gear - warning gory pics...


Lazy Mod :D
Jul 10, 2007
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Long Beach, CA
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Proper boots would have made a big difference in this accident...

My bike is totalled and my leg is shattered so ive been through two surgeries and i have one more to go. I got tboned by a car in harrisburg IL, my bike was just about finished too, so much work for it all to be destroyed right in front of me. BTW that was definately the most pain ive ever had in my whole life, my tibula was broken and tore through my skin and pants leaving me a bloody mess, now i have a big rod system holding my leg out right, soon they are drilling out more spots and putting rods underneath the skin. Life is rough sometimes, looks like im out for the season.....







That 'Rod System' is called an external fixator, and will normally stay in place, with minor adjustments for 6 weeks or more (I'm guessing more in this case...much more). Not to mention the fact that he will require courses of antibiotics; both because the tibia punctured the skin, and also because those rods can introduce infection into the bone. During this process, and more so after, this member will require physiotherapy to 'relearn' how to walk, and to redevelop his proprioception (where his leg is in time/space).

All this, and he has his bike mangled beyond recognition. Brutal.

I hope he heals well and soon, and that he gets back on the horse when able. Yet another good argument for wearing all your gear.
I don't know what a bit of plastic around his heel and toe would have made there.

I wear Sidi boots and never ride without them (98.9% of the time anyway) and know they would protect me in a crash sequence bashing into curbs and things....but getting T-boned? I dunno....
I don't know what a bit of plastic around his heel and toe would have made there.

I wear Sidi boots and never ride without them (98.9% of the time anyway) and know they would protect me in a crash sequence bashing into curbs and things....but getting T-boned? I dunno....

Doesn't for sure say whether he was or was not wearing gear. But, I can tell you from a medical perspective that the wounds on his foot are unlikely to have been caused by his tibia breaking through, and the smaller wounds on his leg were NOT caused by surgery. Placing an 'X-fix' only requires external land marking and a sterile drill/screw set. It's not generally considered an 'open surgery'. We did dozens of these after the Earthquake while I was in Haiti.

I still think proper gear could/would have saved SOME of the injuries. Although, none of our gear can protect against the torsional injuries caused by a vehicle and motorcycle hitting/falling over you...
He was not wearing boots or proper riding pants...

I don't know what a bit of plastic around his heel and toe would have made there.

Obviously, we will never know, but what's your point? A proper boot with good heel protection could only have helped in this case imo... are you saying it would have made things worse? :confused:
David, your timing is impeccable, as I just sat down for lunch! Your warning comment made me even want to click onto this thread even more.

Gear or no's another question: Knowing that you would be in the same exact crash/scenario, in other words, putting yourself in his shoes; what would you want to be wearing? Realistically of course.

I myself have no choice, I wear the same exact gear every time I ride.

My BMW Transit Boots which offers supports reinforced heel and shin guards. Kevlar Air Mesh Pants with Quad Armour, that covers my shin once again that goes over my boots and plus thigh and hips.
He was not wearing boots or proper riding pants...

Obviously, we will never know, but what's your point? A proper boot with good heel protection could only have helped in this case imo... are you saying it would have made things worse? :confused:

No need to get so defensive?
If your going to post this kind of stuff its nice to post a link to where it came from (the source: both because it gives the person your quoting their due acknowledgement, and also gives people an opportunity to see the full picture/story), the only thing we have from this post that states he wasn't wearing all the gear is your word.

Honestly I think he is lucky to be alive judging by his motorcycle, and by the severity of the accident...
I personally think boots are important, but have to agree with a few others, except in full racing gear I think it would have been a similar story. I wear motorcycle boots (not the fancy race kind) and Draggins and definately wouldn't have wanted to be in that situation!

I'd say road awareness is as much an issue as ATGATT here.

I wonder what the insurance company had to say though, I mean theres only half a bike left to write off x.X
Definately lucky to be alive.
No need to get so defensive?
If your going to post this kind of stuff its nice to post a link to where it came from (the source: both because it gives the person your quoting their due acknowledgement, and also gives people an opportunity to see the full picture/story), the only thing we have from this post that states he wasn't wearing all the gear is your word.

Honestly I think he is lucky to be alive judging by his motorcycle, and by the severity of the accident...
I personally think boots are important, but have to agree with a few others, except in full racing gear I think it would have been a similar story. I wear motorcycle boots (not the fancy race kind) and Draggins and definately wouldn't have wanted to be in that situation!

I'd say road awareness is as much an issue as ATGATT here.

I wonder what the insurance company had to say though, I mean theres only half a bike left to write off x.X
Definately lucky to be alive.

I am a defensive type of dude lol... look, I post a simple accident thread as a reminder to wear your gear...
Of course, a couple of dudes felt compelled to tell me gear may not have made a difference in this case... Ok sure, but what's the point of making such a comment other than to play the devil's advocate for no reason?

The point is that gear will ALWAYS provide MORE protection than no gear, and as Kenny said, if you had the choice between wearing riding boots with proper heel protection or "Nike Canvas Airs" before such an accident, which one would you pick? Doh... Just basic common sense...

Oh and sorry if my word is not enough... this topic sure is critical enough for me to lie about lol... here, you can check for yourself: Buell Forum just got in a bad wreck on wed

Finally, you are correct, road awareness is also a factor in accidents, just like alcohol, speed, and a lot of other things... I wasn't trying to say that this accident could have been avoided if he had been wearing gear. I was merely trying to say that sh*t happens on a bike so remember to wear proper gear... that's all :cheer:
The bike looks not too bad to me. List it somewhere (ebay, Craig's List) and state the condition as "fair." (but, don't post a photo, let them show up and then begin the sales pitch). The bike is definitely not "totaled." I've seen worse. A good salesman can move anything.
......felt compelled to tell me gear may not have made a difference in this case... Ok sure, but what's the point of making such a comment other than to play the devil's advocate for no reason?

I always play devil's advocate for no reason. Why? No reason.... :p

The only thing I really have to add at this point is just to say that I wear 95% of the gear 95% of the time. I go beyond most others and have an aftermarket Knox back and chest protector and look like the Hunchback of Notre Dame when geared up due to the thickness of the back protector (when I have my camel pak in it gets even more pronounced).

Additionally, when riding I wear kevlar jeans, leather jacket, Sidi vertigo boots, gauntlet-style gloves, and a condom.

But, I just critique people who put more stock in gear than they should. In the event of a crash at 100kph you are doing the equivalent speed of hitting something after having fallen off the empire state building or just under that height. All the gear in the world won't prevent some of those serious injuries.

The reason I posted my initial post was that quite often I see people saying, "oh I was fine because I had all my gear on" and all they are wearing is jeans, jacket, helmet, gloves, basic riding boot. The back protection in the jacket is flimsy, and there is nothing except abrasion resistance for the legs. The fact that they were "uninjured" in their crash had less to do with their gear than the way they crashed. The gear just kept their skin intact.

The one bit of gear, though, that if you get the top end stuff will save your protected body part in even the most vicious crash is top end riding boots. Evene my sidi vertigos I feel are not up to par. I want a pair of Sidi Vortices. With those things you could go for a tumble at 200kph and bang off everything on the road and your feet would still come out looking nice and tidy out of the boots.....even if they aren't attached to your legs anymore....

Regarding this fellow's feet specifically, if this guy was wearing Sidi Vortices, his feet would be in great shape. If he was wearing Sidi vertigo's, his feet would be in better shape. If he was wearing average riding boots....his feet would probably not be THAT much better than they are now.
The reason I posted my initial post was that quite often I see people saying, "oh I was fine because I had all my gear on" and all they are wearing is jeans, jacket, helmet, gloves, basic riding boot. The back protection in the jacket is flimsy, and there is nothing except abrasion resistance for the legs. The fact that they were "uninjured" in their crash had less to do with their gear than the way they crashed. The gear just kept their skin intact.

Still not sure what your point is, but FWIW:

- My first accident (helmet, jeans, basic boots, leather jacket/gloves): without a helmet I would have cracked my skull open against a car door.
Thanks to my gear I had NOTHING. Bike was totaled.

- 2nd accident (helmet, jeans, basic boots, leather jacket/gloves): without my helmet, gloves, boots and leather jacket I would have had a serious concussion, lots of road rash and a broken ankle.
Thanks to my gear I had NOTHING other than a sprained ankle. Bike was totaled.

- 3rd accident (helmet, basic boots, leather jacket/gloves/pants): my gear didn't play much of a role in that one except for the helmet which saved me from a likely concussion. I had nothing... bike was more or less fine.

- 4rth accident (helmet, jeans, basic boots, leather jacket/gloves): without my helmet and leather jacket, I would have had a badly opened skull and broken shoulder.
Thanks to my gear I had NOTHING other than a bruised shoulder (shoulder Kevlar pad saved me). Bike was totaled.

- 5th accident (on the track, helmet, basic boots, leather gloves/suit, back protector): helmet saved me from hitting my head on the pavement, leather suit + gloves saved me from some serious road rash, and back protector helped keep my upper body straight.
Again, thanks to my gear I had NOTHING other than a bruised finger. Bike was more or less fine.

You may be right, maybe my gear didn't do much in any of these accidents at all, and it "was all in the way I crashed", but I am convinced that the only reason I never even broke a bone in riding accidents and I am still able to ride today is thanks to my gear.

Does that mean that wearing gear will save you 100% of the time? doh.... of course not...

Again, the point is simple: wearing gear > not wearing gear
I am not sure what there is to argue about here :BLAA: I guess I attract arguments/debates....
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I wear standard leather MC boots, Draggin jeans, a Joe Rocket padded jacket, gloves and always a helmet.

On the other side of things I try and put myself in the best possible riding conditions by not riding in heavy traffic on a daily basis, keeping my focus on potential dangers, and keeping my speed within the legal limits. That is not to say a car could not come out of a blind spot in a reckless manner and take me out, but the odds of an accident with additional injuries from lack of protective gear are reduced.

Of course I hope for that young man to get healed up and have a full and productive life.

When I see someone riding reckless without the proper protective gear I think "organ donor" because if they have no regard for their own lives at least they could help the needy people, who, because of no fault of their own, need a healthy organs to live on.
Your safety gear, or the choice of how much or what to wear is your last defense.

#1: Your mental Capabilities or as others have mentioned "Road Awareness" to be a good rider needs to utilize their eyes & mind, knowing how & what to look for.

#2: Your riding ability, how skillful you are able to ride your motorcycle.

#3: Your safety gear, If # 1 & 2 fails, you will have to rely on your gear. And this is a decision that you can decide on your own. How much risk are you willing to take?

Motorcycles are dangerous, but you can minimize the risk with improving in all three areas.

I would like to add one more: Life & Medical Insurance, make sure you have it.
Still not sure what your point is, but FWIW:

- My first accident (helmet, jeans, basic boots, leather jacket/gloves): without a helmet I would have cracked my skull open against a car door.
Thanks to my gear I had NOTHING. Bike was totaled.

- 2nd accident (helmet, jeans, basic boots, leather jacket/gloves): without my helmet, gloves, boots and leather jacket I would have had a serious concussion, lots of road rash and a broken ankle.
Thanks to my gear I had NOTHING other than a sprained ankle. Bike was totaled.

- 3rd accident (helmet, basic boots, leather jacket/gloves/pants): my gear didn't play much of a role in that one except for the helmet which saved me from a likely concussion. I had nothing... bike was more or less fine.

- 4rth accident (helmet, jeans, basic boots, leather jacket/gloves): without my helmet and leather jacket, I would have had a badly opened skull and broken shoulder.
Thanks to my gear I had NOTHING other than a bruised shoulder (shoulder Kevlar pad saved me). Bike was totaled.

- 5th accident (on the track, helmet, basic boots, leather gloves/suit, back protector): helmet saved me from hitting my head on the pavement, leather suit + gloves saved me from some serious road rash, and back protector helped keep my upper body straight.
Again, thanks to my gear I had NOTHING other than a bruised finger. Bike was more or less fine.

You may be right, maybe my gear didn't do much in any of these accidents at all, and it "was all in the way I crashed", but I am convinced that the only reason I never even broke a bone in riding accidents and I am still able to ride today is thanks to my gear.

Does that mean that wearing gear will save you 100% of the time? doh.... of course not...

Again, the point is simple: wearing gear > not wearing gear
I am not sure what there is to argue about here :BLAA: I guess I attract arguments/debates....

I'm with Wavex on this one. While your gear certainly will not keep you from killing yourself, it certainly will decrease the severity any accident. In my accident I suffered a minor shoulder tendon tear (AC separation) and an ankle sprain. I know for a fact given the mechanism of my accident that my injuries would have been much worse without head-to-toe gear on that day. My ankle sprain would have certainly been a broken leg and tons of road rash. G-d knows what would have happened to my shoulder if I wasn't wearing a leather jacket.
No one said that ATGATT isn't an extremely good moto for a motorcycler to live by, or that not wearing gear is smart.
Reading the original thread the guy does strike me as a bit of a dumbass, to be totally frankly honest... I mean all he had on was a helmet????? SERIOUSLY!!!!

I think if you had posted the link everyone elses reaction would have been the same as yours, his only protective gear was a helmet (which according to his comments he probably didn't need) but he had a modded bike which he obvious paid for mods on.

He is basically like all the gixxer riders we see here, they wear a helmet, tshirt (or wife-beater) shorts and thongs or runners and apparently have a death wish.

Since he obviously doesn't have much between his ears I'd say that boots, pants and a proper jacket and gloves probably would have been a better investment than the helmet. No not really, but if your going to put money into your bike do it AFTER you buy real protective gear x.X
You may be right, maybe my gear didn't do much in any of these accidents at all, and it "was all in the way I crashed", but I am convinced that the only reason I never even broke a bone in riding accidents and I am still able to ride today is thanks to my gear.

Riding pants/jacket/gloves don't prevent broken bones is all I am saying. But yes they do something (which is why I never ride without any of them). Just saying people should still feel EQUALLY vulnerable to the squid in flip-flops and T-shirt except for the knowledge that their skin will not be ground off.

Does that mean that wearing gear will save you 100% of the time? doh.... of course not...

Again, the point is simple: wearing gear > not wearing gear

I agree. There is no debate about those statements as you have made them. Gear will save minor injuries very close to 100% of the time. They will save major injuries much closer to 0% of the time. That is all I am trying to say. My cousin was wearing full riding gear and spent 4 years of his life getting able to walk again properly and almost had his leg amputated.

I am not sure what there is to argue about here :BLAA: I guess I attract arguments/debates....

No, just I wasn't clear with my message initially perhaps.