Admins needs a favor... Please vote... Everyday if you can...


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Feb 9, 2007
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Hi Everyone...
My cousin Jennifer Willocks is eighteen years old and was born with Spina Bifida. She has been confined to a wheelchair her entire life. In February 2011, Jennifer was diagnosed with a major back infection that required massive surgeries. During one of these surgeries a major complication occurred that almost cost Jennifer her life. Bedridden for four months Jennifer strived to complete her high school degree even with learning disabilities. On May 14,2011 she was allowed out of bed for only two hours to attend the graduation ceremony where she graduated with her diploma. Though throught her struggles she maintains to keep a positive and uplifting outlook on life. Jennifer is now attending college working towards her Business Management Diploma. Jennifer is a strong person who never uses the word "can't", and drives to use her ability to do the best she can in anything she undertakes. Jennifer's next goal in life is to learn how to drive. Winning this vehicle will enable Jennifer to become fully independent in her daily activites. She has taught me to appreciate life and accept the challenges before me. I could not be more proud of her and everything else she has endured. There is no other person better deserving than Jennifer to win this handicapp van, so that she can accomplish her goals and live life to its fullest.

Please vote for her... Thank you

Jennifer Willocks | Mobility Awareness Month - Vote For Me!
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Re: Admin needs a favor...

I am working on voting but noticed this:
Be sure to locate your local NMEDA dealer to get a unique promotional code to get an edge on your competition before you vote. This will allow the person you are voting for to gain 5 votes, but only one time.

How do we get the promo code? I searched for local dealer but found no code.
Re: Admin needs a favor...

I am working on voting but noticed this:
Be sure to locate your local NMEDA dealer to get a unique promotional code to get an edge on your competition before you vote. This will allow the person you are voting for to gain 5 votes, but only one time.

How do we get the promo code? I searched for local dealer but found no code.

Not sure... I cant seem to figure it out either....

But if the whole forum votes.... She should have a pretty good chance..

Thanks for voting...
Re: Admin needs a favor...

X2 onthe promo code, I'll use it tomorrow...

Thank You for Voting in the National Mobility Awareness Month Local Hero Contest. You are allowed to vote once per day, so please check back regularly to keep helping your favorite Local Hero. Remember the more votes they get, the better chance they have to win a New Customized Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle. Tell your friends and family to vote today!
Re: Admin needs a favor...

Not a problem. One more vote today and I'll keep on checking it out daily. Good luck :thumbup:
But of course! :BLAA:

Tell here we're voting and send lots of love to a great person! :D
Can't seem to get the link to load on iPhone but will definitely vote as soon as I have access to a comp

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