accident caught on helmet camera


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Jun 13, 2009
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[ame=]YouTube - Motorcycle Accident Caugh on Helmet Cam[/ame]
From now on, in that kind of freakin' traffic, I'm going to stay in the end lane where there's possibly a breakdown lane or grass for egress. Agreed, no way out here :eek:.

I hate to ruin a thread but I can't bite my tongue when it comes to guns.

Every "American" owns a gun, it's the sheep who don't.
Don't rely on anyone to protect you, remember Law Enforcement is reactionary. What are you going to do in the five minutes it takes LE to arrive when you call them?
sometimes i'm embarrassed to be an American, but most most American's don't own guns. We are not all 'Cowboy's' and we are not all rich. (rant)

Hell if you're implying that you're sometimes embarrassed to be an American because of gun ownership then I'm embarrassed by you as well. Thank God "some of us" owned guns in the past or you and I wouldn't be "Americans" now would we?

Going from your cowboy & rich analogy, do you offer similar explanations for other members of society who are stereotyped or do you put it back on the stereotyper and chastise them for being ignorant? Personally I don't feel a need to offer penance to the ignorant. If they can't educate themselves then it's their loss.

Guns don't kill, people do. How many people have you heard-about, read-about, or personally-known that died from a gunshot that wasn't caused by a human finger? How many Americans died in the past year from gun-related incidents? How many Americans died in the past year from traffic-related incidents? Do the math genius and then write your representative to outlaw motor vehicles and make our lives safer.

Happy New Year!
No idea what that driver was trying to do, but it didn't leave her many options there. Only thing I can think of is to try not to have any vehicles parallel to you at any time, so you've got a bit more room to swerve in needed.

As for guns, the post in the other thread is the perfect example of why people need to be psychologically assessed before ever carrying one. If someone is knocked off their bike in a car accident like the one shown, and they feel justified in pulling a gun as a result of that accident (assuming that they are still physically capable of doing so), is that person really mature and balanced enough to be carrying one? I'd say not.
This is always a sensitive issue and has been done to death in "the bar"

I personally have no veiw on the right to bare arms thing and as a non US citizen i dont believe i have the right to judge either.BUT....

When i go to Orlando this November ..the thought i might accidently clip a drivers wing mirror with my familly in the car and heve a gun pulled on me is quite frankly terrifying.
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Hell if you're implying that you're sometimes embarrassed to be an American because of gun ownership then I'm embarrassed by you as well. Thank God "some of us" owned guns in the past or you and I wouldn't be "Americans" now would we?

Well with one of the highest gun murder rates in the world why wouldn't that be embarrassing? That's my reason for the embarrassing comment.

Going from your cowboy & rich analogy, do you offer similar explanations for other members of society who are stereotyped or do you put it back on the stereotyper and chastise them for being ignorant? Personally I don't feel a need to offer penance to the ignorant. If they can't educate themselves then it's their loss.

Again I need to clarify, my bad. After traveling to Germany all Germans I talk to always asked if we have guns on us and drive hummers. Thus the stereotype and perception that Americans are gun toting Hummer driving rich people.

Guns don't kill, people do.

Well guess what, people are stupid, so get rid of the gun's! Like someone needs an assault rifle to hunt. Such a crock!

Do the math genius and then write your representative to outlaw motor vehicles and make our lives safer.

This is just a ridiculous statement, car's are needed to keep Americans mobile and working, gun's are not necessary.

Happy New Year!
This version of the video doesn't show the hottie who runs up to help with the low cut shirt...

I'm not touching the gun debate haha
How did this get so off topic? Guns??? In a accident video! Really???

If you'd like to discuss guns then make a topic and chat away, but don't drag the op's topic into the dirt with a argument that no one is going to win.
How did this get so off topic? Guns??? In a accident video! Really???

If you'd like to discuss guns then make a topic and chat away, but don't drag the op's topic into the dirt with a argument that no one is going to win.

I agree totally. Cmon people, let's concentrate on what's important here, the missing girl with the low cut shirt!

Ok, im done haha
I agree totally. Cmon people, let's concentrate on what's important here, the missing girl with the low cut shirt!

Ok, im done haha
wheres the full clip then :cheer:

But I do hope I never get in a situation like that, I'm happy I've got ABS though, might help a bit.. brake hard and go behind the car he almost got under maybe??
wheres the full clip then :cheer:

But I do hope I never get in a situation like that, I'm happy I've got ABS though, might help a bit.. brake hard and go behind the car he almost got under maybe??

Here you go.

[ame=]YouTube - Helmet Cam view of Motorcycle Accident[/ame]