A Christmas Thankyou


Resident Rumologist
Elite Member
Sep 10, 2008
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Ipswich , Australia (+10 GMT)
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Well the Christmas season is upon us once again and i thought i'd jump in here again and say.......

To all our brave men & women in places such as Iraq & Afghanistan who are attempting to celebrate Christmas while fighting those who not only have utter disdain for such a celebration but continue to do our troops harm.

We can only imagine the emotions , the sadness , the loneliness our troops will experience this Christmas , but I do know for a fact that my family & I will be thinking of them throughout the holiday season , praying for them , thanking them for their sacrifice and wishing them as Merry a Christmas as possible. Most of all , my family & I will be wishing them a safe and speedy return home , to their loved ones , so they will be able to celebrate every Christmas from now on as they celebrate this one in their thoughts , in their dreams & in their prayers.

A Merry & safe Christmas to all our Service Men & Women , our heroes , serving us once again in harm’s way.

Thankyou each & every one of you :thumbup:
Well said.

Thanks to all the men and women in uniform that keep us free.

Merry Christmas,
I think this deserves a bump. My son left for Afghanistan just before Christmas last year and returned home last week.

When people told me they would keep him in their thoughts and prayers it meant everything to me.

Thank you to all or service members and their families everywhere! :thumbup:
I think this deserves a bump. My son left for Afghanistan just before Christmas last year and returned home last week.

When people told me they would keep him in their thoughts and prayers it meant everything to me.

Thank you to all or service members and their families everywhere! :thumbup:

Yeah i'll Bump it again too :D , they are doing one hell of a job :thumbup:
Another bump...

We have a friend that just left. Don't think he's been back a year even. Big Thanks!!!
You might have a stupid piece of cheese on your head, you may be from Queensland, and you do ride a Gentleman's armchair (lol!), but you have a heart of of pure Gold Daniel....well said buddy.

Will also be thinking of all the brave and selfless souls who protect and maintain our freedom.

I want to also say Merry Christmas to the soldiers from America, Britain, Irish in the British Army, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, India, Iraq and Afghanistan (and anyone else i've missed!!) who will fight and no doubt be injured/killed during this time by both sides.

As much as I object to the wars these people should be at home with their families and its a tragedy that they have to be so far from home for a pointless cause...looking at my own country, there will be no end to the terrorism, it always going to be there...so why die for a cause that wont be solved. RIP to all the fallen soldiers, but why should another christmas go by with family members being worried about their son/daughter(s). War doesn't uphold or bring freedom, it draws attention to your own country resulting in your loss of freedom and a nation that immediately assumes a tragedy in their country is a terrorist act...time to move on and mend your own country before moving onto other countries.

Merry Christmas to everyone, a time of peace and celebration.

EDIT: Freeky how this post is my post #666!!!