
I have always heard that rubbing some washing up liquid with a paper towel will prevent fogging...
It's the equivalent of spitting in your facemask when you go diving!

Not sure it works though, mine never fogs.
Good thread DBR. I've been asking the same thing. Pinlock seems to have a large following and there is a DIY kit in case your helmet brand doesn't have a shield that uses it. I've used a product called Blaze which is a spray on and another that is called Anti-fog that is a soaked cloth. Both work, but require almost daily application.
The little nose thing that prevents your breathe from going up on the shield that attaches to the helmet helps as well. Shoei has this as well as several other manufacturers.
There are shields that are supposed to be fog free but I don't have any experience with those. Anyone else?
Several years ago I used a product called Fog Free which was a plastic shield with adhesive around the edge and it adhered to the inside of your shield. It worked well but caused a glare from the oncoming lights.
My new Schuberth helmet came with a Pinlock insert, which I've been trying out this week.
It does prevent fogging, but the damn plastic the insert is made of is really cloudy, and downright dangerous when riding into the sun. I took it out, will try the soap method next (or any other suggestions).
My old EXO-900 was actually good to 26 F, wonder why you're having trouble with your -500... :confused:
i've been using some rain-x anti-mist stuff on the inside of mine, but it wears off quite quickly

you can get some film type stuff that works similar to pinlock, and but is more permanent (e.g. fog city). you can also drill holes to fit a generic pinlock.

I have a foggy mask I use sometimes, it Velcro in place, and directs my breath straight out of the mask, it's not that comfortable though and gets a bit clammy.

I find my pinlock is not 100% reliable, and I stopped using it all together on my clear visor as I couldn't get it to seal (even after taking it to an arai service centre)
Race car trick...

Use a 2" long duct tape strip and roll it like a cigarette with the sticky part out. Stick it where your visor close on your helmet. Work just fine. Good trick when it rain too.
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I have the same Scorpion Exo-500 helmet. What I've found is that I fog up more if I use a neck gaiter to keep my neck warm. The reason being is I tuck it up into the helmet and then there's no airflow around the chin area. Without the neck gaiter, air rushes around my neck and shoulder and effectively sucks out any moisture in my helmet from my breath through the bottom of the helmet near the chin. With the neck gaiter, all I have to do is open the chin vent for a second or two and the fog clears up. Then I close it again. Then when it gets foggy, I open it up once more. This morning it was around 30F on my commute into work, I didn't have my neck gaiter, and had no issues with fog.
As mentionned above, a thin coat of soap (dish soap) will work similar to the anti fog solutions. basically apply like you would a wax and buff clear. You'll need to apply every once in a while.
Some helmets have the ability vent - the RF1100 has a setting that raises the shield just barely off the helmet and helps a lot to defog in rain.

Cleaning the shield very well and often helps reduce the condensation from lingering.

I haven't tried it on the helmet, but scuba divers use diluted johnson & johnson's baby shampoo. Prevents fogging and doesn't sting.
i think anti-fog sprays work by reducing the surface tension of the condensation, spreading the water ok

i suspect pin lock is similar, I did hear that it absorbs the moisture though
My Scorp 500 visor was fog free for a couple of months or less then wore off. You have to be very careful with what you use to clean it to not harm the fog free coating.

I switched to a modular Nolan N104 with pinlock- no more fogging. The eye port is much larger and the vents are a lot better as well. Wish I never bought the Scorp!
I used to use the rainex anti-fog wipes but now I've just got a really cheap, crappy helmet that lets air in everywhere. Vega Attitude. Breathes like a champ, colder than &(^$.

Pretty good in the summer but it never fogs in the winter. I have to wear a head-sock with it but it works. It may be more that the head sock keeps my breath from directly hitting the inside of the shield. You might try a gaiter with a nose/mouth covering.
Race car trick...

Use a 2" long duct tape strip and roll it like a cigarette with the sticky part out. Stick it where your visor close on your helmet. Work just fine. Good trick when it rain too.
Just to clarify, does this method work because it allows a constant stream of air to flow in.

I use Cat Crap: Cat Crap Anti Fog, Cat Crap Anti-fog & Lens Cleaner | Campmor

Also available at your local REI stores.

Works for my sunglasses/eyeglasses as well. I've treated my face shield only for my sunglasses to fog up so I use it on my glasses as well.
I am a glasses wearer and the biggest problem I have is my glasses fogging. It gets to the point of being down right dangerous.
I can't find cat crap here but will give Amazon a look.

I am a glasses wearer and the biggest problem I have is my glasses fogging. It gets to the point of being down right dangerous.
I can't find cat crap here but will give Amazon a look.


Pm me your address...

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I am a glasses wearer and the biggest problem I have is my glasses fogging. It gets to the point of being down right dangerous.
I can't find cat crap here but will give Amazon a look.


I just ordered some from Amazon. Sure love my "Prime" account! :thumbup:
I just ordered some from Amazon. Sure love my "Prime" account! :thumbup:

Ditto on the Prime account, I ordered mine last night. I also wear glasses and the direct venting can be somewhat effective, but once the glasses themselves fog it is a little hairy. If it clears right away once you start moving again, ok, otherwise I have to pull over somewhere and wipe them down :eek: