19 Days of full time work, yay...


Ambitious But Rubbish
Mar 28, 2011
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Rochester, NY
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Since the factorys had issues lately i got told today to make up for it, starting this upcoming monday we'll be working for 19 straight days.... yes sat and sunday as well.... I thought to my self "This is gonna be reeeeeeaaaal fun" :spank:

But now, i'm kind of looking on the brighter side: Saturdays we get paid time and a half and apparently Sundays we get double time (sweet). And actually this work will be coming right in time because i plan on having a bike by the end of June... Bigger checks= fz6 sooner :thumbup:
Thats sweet they are gonna pay double time on Sunday. Not many places still doing that. I work at a factory too, Continental Tire you may have them on your cager, and we havent missed a day of work since the economy tanked, thank God.
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What kind of work? What kind of Factory?

Food production line....whole room is 44F though so on hot days like today (98) it's almost a good thing....

Fun Fact: If you have a thing of Cool Whip at home, ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD, it came from our plant

Thats sweet they are gonna pay double time on Sunday. Not many places still doing that. I work at a factory too, Continental Tire you may have them on your cager, and we havent missed a day of work since the economy tanked, thank God.

Just put 2 new Generals on my Cavalier, i can safely say they are 5X as good as the Goodyear Eagles i used to have on it... and i thought those were great tires lol

Cool that you don't shut down.... we have like 2 weeks of shutdown end of June/beginning of July.... and yeah I didn't think many places did double time either, makes going in on a sunday a little more worth it :thumbup:
Food production line....whole room is 44F though so on hot days like today (98) it's almost a good thing....

Fun Fact: If you have a thing of Cool Whip at home, ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD, it came from our plant


Nice!! love cool whip!!!:BLAA:

I once worked at a cheese factory in Olympia, WA, where I worked in a cooler about as cold as you work in. I shred cheese for Sorento Lactalis, you may know there Mozzarella cheese with the name Precious Mozzarella cheese. I shredded a mix of cheese that if you ate Domino's pizza in the early 2000's, I might have shed that cheese, and we shredded the mix blend of shredded cheese for Costco, along with many other places. It was a great job, till they shut the plant down and moved all our work to other parts of the US.
Nice!! love cool whip!!!:BLAA:

I once worked at a cheese factory in Olympia, WA, where I worked in a cooler about as cold as you work in. I shred cheese for Sorento Lactalis, you may know there Mozzarella cheese with the name Precious Mozzarella cheese. I shredded a mix of cheese that if you ate Domino's pizza in the early 2000's, I might have shed that cheese, and we shredded the mix blend of shredded cheese for Costco, along with many other places. It was a great job, till they shut the plant down and moved all our work to other parts of the US.

Very cool, sucks that they moved work elsewhere :( And I always preferred domino's b/c of their cheese :thumbup:

Yeah, job is great once you get used to the routine, the noise and the cold. Although i'm the guy you see wearing shorts when theres a foot of snow outside so i'm kinda in my element :rolleyes:
If you like your job, 19 days in a row is not a bad thing and sounds like the $$ is definitely good too. As you said.. brings you closer to your bike purchase!
Man, that double time on Sunday sounds pretty sweet. I work at alot of cement plants and we typically have a schedule like yours but no time and a half OT or double time OT, just straight time. Also we work primarily outdoors or in hot equipment so right about now 44 degrees would be awesome. Yesterday was brutal here in PA.

Keep looking forward to the new bike purchase and the time will fly by...
Man, that double time on Sunday sounds pretty sweet. I work at alot of cement plants and we typically have a schedule like yours but no time and a half OT or double time OT, just straight time. Also we work primarily outdoors or in hot equipment so right about now 44 degrees would be awesome. Yesterday was brutal here in PA.

Keep looking forward to the new bike purchase and the time will fly by...

Yeah 44 degrees on days like the past few we've had are like a godsend.... Glad i don't work at Barilla also located in the town.... no AC cuz its all pasta so its HOT.... you can keep your extra 2 bucks an hr....Plus i heard the work weekends (no OT) sometimes cuz they have a weird schedule... 32 one week 48 the next iirc?

And thats what i keep telling myself... keep looking forward to the bike, unfortunately it dawned on me today that it also means that will be 2 weeks i wont be able to look for one :( but were supposed to be off first week of july and possible the week before that... would like to have one by the time i go on vacation up to the 1000 islands for the 4th, but hey if it happens cool, if not, the cavalier will do....:shakehead: