1400 mile ride.. what will I need

Thanks for all the advice, I will be sure to take some pic's and share when I return..

Have a great SUPERBOWL WEEKEND!:popcorn:
I did a 5,000 mile ride this last summer on my FZ. 1000 on the first day. Here is what I learned from my trip:

1. make sure you have lots of tread on your tires. I had to replace mine part way through the trip and it sucked.

2. Get a camelback for your tank bag. Being hydrated is important, plus drinking something refreshes your mind.

3. I took glass cleaner wipes, that way I didn't have to deal with a bottle and towels.

Those were the major things that I had for my trip. As for the cold, I found that my rain gear (frog toggs) work as a great wind break and keep your body heat in.

Have fun and be safe.
Hold on there big fella, you have obviously not ridden a FJR much. FZ6 may be ok for touring for some as it's all they have (not that there is anything wrong with that) but there is no way one or two up are you going to do any serious touring with the level of comfort and speed of an FJR.
I realize you do not have the vast expanses of the American West so perhaps you cannot appreciate a bike that will cruise at 85 up to 140mph for miles on end and will handle the tight stuff remarkably well. And in 40mph cross winds or in the rain it's nice to be on a bike that can slice through the elements while sticking to the road like it was on rails.
200 miles on my FZ6 and I am done, at 200 mile on the FJR it's time to stop for lunch.
Glad you like your FZ and both are great bikes but I would give up my FZ6 long before my FJR

I certainly take your point.

But I take my FZ6 across all sorts of terrain, gravel tracks, soft dirt which covers the bottom of the tyres, tarmarc, the whole range. Having the FZ6 which is very light compared to the FJR makes it a lot easier for me to handle., especially if it goes down, which it has a couple of times.

That is why I would not swap my FZ6 for an FJR. I actually considered getting one last year but they are just too big and heavy for what I need.
But they are a very nice bike if that is what you want.

My point was that 1400 miles on an FZ6 is a walk in the park and to suggest otherwise just shows that you do not know what touring on the FZ6 is like.

If you have trouble with your FZ6 seat after 200 miles I would suggest you buy an after market seat. The stock seat is like a rick but I have the lowered seat which is just the stock seat shaped up a bit and the difference is amazing. I can ride all day for days on end and the seat is never a problem.

When it comes to bikes the choice is very personal and it is each to his own.

Nice pics. Ship that puppy over here and we could ride until your chain wears out.
FJR has a drive shaft.;)

Er.... back to the original thread. Do not use Gold Bond powder, corn starch is not your friend. Baby powder and under armor t shirt & shorts f under his riding gear are a man's best friend after a full day in the saddle.
Watch the weather reports and bring plenty of gear, you can always peal off the warm stuff if it gets a bit toasty. Just do a pre pack ahead of the trip to figure where you will put everything. A tank bag will help for storage.
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