
  1. Tailgate

    Time for dual sport bike on this one!

    My brother, recently back from Pakistan & India, sent me this link: Looks awfully exciting, like maybe a motorbike's Mt. Everest caliber ride. I would do it and am looking into a rental if available. Would be especially exciting doing this solo. What...
  2. MattR302

    Middleweight Tourer Suggestions?

    So the past 3.5 my FZ6 has been my commuter and occasional 2up bike. I'm toying with the idea of replacing it with something a little more comfortable, for both longer solo rides and light 2up touring. I've experimented with 3 different seats and 2 different handlebars and risers on my FZ6...
  3. B

    Suspension feels much better with pillion - what to do?

    I skimmed through the suspension setup thread but couldn't figure out the answer to my question. I have a stock 2008 FZ6 with the factory rear preload setting. I live in NYC (bumpy roads) and am 5'11" 160lbs. When riding solo I feel like the rear suspension is incredibly jarring, to the point...